Antirrinum (snapdragon): description, reproduction and cultivation

HomeAll flowers that start with AAntirrinum (snapdragon): description, reproduction and cultivation

Antirrinum is popularly called snapdragon: indeed, the description of the flowers of the plant is similar to gaping lion’s mouths. Unfortunately, this culture does not differ in increased frost resistance, and therefore, in the middle latitudes, antirrinum must be planted annually – as a rule, plants die in winter. But in the south of Russia, snapdragons perfectly endure the unsevere winter season.

Description of what a snapdragon plant looks like

In nature, about 40 species of this antirrinum (snapdragon) are known, but varieties from the large antirrinum species are common in ornamental gardening. At home (Mediterranean) – this is a perennial plant . On the territory of our country it is cultivated mainly as an annual . In the southern region, during especially warm winters, when the soil does not freeze through, plants overwinter and continue growing early in spring.

See what a snapdragon looks like – the bushes of the plant are erect, branched, from 20 to 70 cm high:

The inflorescence is a brush, the flowers are large, two-lipped, resembling the mouth of a lion, which is why it got its name. Seeds are black or brown, small, up to 1500 pieces per 1 g.

The root system is taproot, branching, located at a depth of 25-30 cm.

Antirrinum grows well in open sunny places. It is undemanding to soils, but develops better on sufficiently nutritious soils with regular watering. On damp soils, with stagnant groundwater, plants develop poorly and even die.

On flower beds , antirrinum occupies one of the leading places among annual plants.

As can be seen in the photo, low and semi-high varieties of antirrinum flowers are used in the arrangement of flowering flower beds, rabatok, individual spots on the lawn:

It is also possible to care for antirrinum in clean plantings, at the edges of shrubs , in mixborders and in combination with other flowering plants. Also, this plant is used for landscaping balconies , loggias, windows. In mixborders, antirrinum is grown after harvesting early spring bulbs or between them and to border tall perennials.

Growing antirrinum from seeds: planting and plant care

Snapdragon is propagated by seeds through seedlings, as well as by sowing in open ground before winter or spring. Shoots appear together in 8-12 days.

How to grow snapdragons from seeds so that the sprouts do not die? Very small seedlings need careful care – careful spraying, shading, in nurseries – airing. When growing antirrinum from seeds, excessive moisture or overdrying can destroy all crops.

Before you grow a snapdragon, be patient – at first, the seedlings grow very slowly. To obtain healthy and strong plants, they dive, that is, they are seated one by one at a distance of 3-5 cm from one another. Light spring and autumn frosts do not harm them, so seedlings can be planted in the ground earlier than other plants.

Flowering begins in 80-100 days (depending on the variety) and continues until hard frosts.

Now a huge number of varieties and hybrids of antirrinum are known. All of them are divided by height into groups: high – 80-110 cm, semi-high – 40-60 cm, low – 15-30 cm.

In high varieties, the bush is slightly branched, the inflorescence is many-flowered, flowering is later. In semi-high, the bush is branched, the inflorescences are not long, but numerous. Low ones are distinguished by a large number of flowering shoots, few-flowered inflorescences.

Within each group there are cultivars that differ in flower size and color, from white, yellow, orange to maroon and two-tone, in various combinations of these colors, with the exception of blue, blue and purple.

When growing together, the varieties quickly cross-pollinate, and subsequent seed propagation leads to a loss of the purity of the variety. The most valuable hybrids are propagated by cuttings.

High and semi-high varieties are grown for cutting. Antirrinum flowers remain in water for 7-14 days, depending on the temperature and humidity of the air in the room, while almost all the buds of the inflorescence bloom.

Semi-tall and low plants are suitable for pot culture and for cutting for cutting in a greenhouse in late autumn and early spring.

The best varieties of antirrinum and snapdragon photos

The following are the best varieties of snapdragon grown in the middle lane:

Undersized (15-30 cm):

Dwarf yellow” with bright yellow fragrant flowers.

‘Tom Tamb’ is a cheerful and bright mix, compact, branchy bushes.

“Dwarf orange-red.”

“Dwarf Pink” – profusely flowering fragrant plants.

“Snow Queen” F1 is a unique compact hybrid with characteristic early flowering.

As you can see in the photo, this variety of snapdragon has flowers of interesting two-tone colors, about 3 cm in size:

Medium height (40-60 cm):

“Bizari” F1 – a hybrid of early flowering (end of May).

“Lampion” – a novelty, garlands of airy ampelous inflorescences in a mixture of colors for hanging baskets and flowerpots.

Brighton Rock.

“Flower Palette”



Compact bushes. Two-tone, white , yellow , bronze, red and dark purple.

“Tequila Sunrise” – a mixture of colors of bright sunny shades, differs from other varieties with bronze carved foliage.

“Bronze Dragon” – its shiny dark foliage is decorative in itself and perfectly sets off the delicate two-tone inflorescences.

Tall varieties and hybrids (80-110 cm):

“Summer bouquet” (mix of colors).

“Scarlet” (bright red).

“Canary” (light yellow).

“Apple flower” FI PP (white-pink color).

“Russian size” F1 – hybrids of pink, yellow and red – high-quality, bright cut for large vases. Can be grown outdoors and in greenhouses. Grows up to 160 cm in height.

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