Flowers in an inexpensive hotel in Moscow: budget floral decor

HomeFor apartment and officeFlowers in an inexpensive hotel in Moscow: budget floral decor

It was Jack Trout, the world-class marketing guru, who said that a well-chosen system of distinctive competitive advantages for a company is a ticket to the “major league” in a particular market. This pattern is undeniable (because it has been proven more than once) and is especially relevant for representatives of dynamic service industries. Take, for example, the hotel business, and not just anywhere, but in a central Russian city.

What can be said about the situation in which hotels operate on Arbat Street, Mnevniki, in Mitino or Kuzminki? The competitive struggle between them unfolded serious. And it would seem that the leaders of the local market have already used all possible advantages for a long time, while newcomers can only operate with low prices.

However, this is the wrong approach.

There are still plenty of opportunities to make your hotel special, unique and desirable for every guest. A simple example: how many hotels in the capital are decorated with lively decor? But flowers in this city, overgrown with concrete buildings, have not been enough for a long time. What prevents a newcomer to the market of hotel companies from making their hotel flower? Yes, there are already large centers that use the services of florists, and there are quite a lot of them. But how many such complexes are there among economy class hotels? Doesn’t a business tourist or a traveler who is not ready to spend crazy money for staying in a luxury hotel love flowers?

In fact, almost any guest will prefer to book a hotel on Mnevniki Street, where he will find flower comfort and a lively atmosphere. At the same time, floral decor does not necessarily have to cost the hotelier a round sum.

You just need to clearly understand what to focus on, and such decoration of rooms, halls, restaurants will cost no more than other decor systems. As part of the budget program, it makes sense to focus on 3 conditions.

  1. Do not contact the promoted floristic studios and world-famous designers. Yes, their qualifications are confirmed, and their skill is beyond doubt. But are there not enough young artists in the market of the capital who are ready to take on the design of a small hotel for much less money? Here, after all, something fundamentally exclusive is not required (the situation must correspond to the class of the complex, and we are talking about the economy category).
  2. Focus on “floristic minimalism”: even 1 bunch of wildflowers in a simple earthenware vase can dramatically change the overall picture of the room, if placed correctly.
  3. Do not chase luxurious plants: the exotic is not only expensive, but also requires expensive maintenance, but in an economy hotel it will be superfluous.

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