Adenium room: photo and description

HomeAll flowers that start with AAdenium room: photo and description

Adenium (Adenium) – stem succulent. Bright large flowers of adenium appear in spring, before leaves, and are especially effective against the background of peculiar thickened intertwining stems.

Particularly valued specimens of indoor adenium with a well-formed caudex thickening at the base of the stem, in which moisture reserves are formed. The genus includes 7 species represented in the wild nature of Central and South Africa, as well as the Arabian Peninsula by tree-like forms.

Sometimes this plant is called the “desert rose”, since, according to its description, adenium is similar to pink flowers that bloom directly on bare stems with thorns. In the photo of adenium, presented in our photo gallery below, you can see plants with pink, red, white and cream inflorescences:

Adenium in the photo

Adenium in the photo

Adenium in the photo

Adenium in the photo

Adenium thick

Adenium thick (Adenium obesum) is a slow-growing semi-evergreen shrub with a powerful stem branching at the top, green oval leaves with a waxy coating or a velvety surface and large funnel-shaped flowers.

There are varieties with variegated leaves (mosaic color, all leaves have light spots;

Crown variant – spotted young leaves evenly turn green with age).

The color of the flowers is varied, various shades of red predominate in various combinations with white, varieties with yellow and cream colors are rare. Adeniums with double flowers are very beautiful.

Adenium care at home

Adenium loves bright lighting. It is necessary to shade from direct sunlight only in early spring, when the plant comes out of dormancy. In summer, the optimum temperature is +25 +30 °C, in winter about +12 + 15 °C. It is watered abundantly in summer, and in winter, with a cool content, very rarely.

For proper caudex formation, the soil in the container must dry out completely between waterings. Caring for adenium at home is not difficult, as these plants easily tolerate dry room air.

Fertilizing is done from spring to autumn once a month with fertilizers for succulents. Young plants are transplanted annually, adults as needed. The capacity is chosen wide and shallow, since the root system is located quite superficially.

The formation of the crown is carried out in the spring: if a plant with one thickened trunk is planned, then pinch the top of the shoot, if it is bushy, then the stem is cut as low as possible.

Propagated by seeds (quickly lose their germination) and cuttings. Specimens with several vaccinations look spectacular, flowers of different colors bloom on one plant at the same time.

The juice of all parts of the plant is very poisonous! Work should be in protective gloves, and after work thoroughly wash your hands and tools!

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