Useful flowers for the home

HomeCut flowersUseful flowers for the home

It is a pity that only a few people know that fresh flowers in the house can have a beneficial effect not only on the home, but also on their owners. Living plants are able to give strength to all those around them. Even scientists have repeatedly proven that indoor plants and flowers have a positive effect on the human biofield. But, at the same time, it must be remembered that in order for the plants to nourish the housing space with energy, they must be properly positioned and do not forget to take care of them regularly.

Surely you paid attention to the fact that in many public places there are live plants, and the containers with them are very beautifully arranged. So, this was done not just like that, but according to unspoken rules. Let’s take, for example, the Avent Inn Hotel, and so in it every flower, every living plant has its own place.

There are living plants that carry the energy of heat, there are those that protect the room – such plants should be located as close as possible to the doorway, then they will bring peace and harmony to the house and protect from negativity. But there are also flowers that express powerful negative flows, bringing chaos, quarrels, conflicts, problems into the house. And one of these flowers is dieffenbrachia, which is best removed from the house.

Many people know that there are vampire plants and donors, and so, if a vampire plant, it will not always be bad, but rather useful, because it absorbs the electromagnetic radiation of working devices. Vampire flowers are very useful to put near the microwave, TV, computer.

If we talk about the placement of living plants, then it is worth considering some directions in Feng Shui. So, in the south of your home, you can safely place plants that are actively growing – citrus fruits, Kalanchoe, begonia, etc.

In the east direction, plants such as cactus, ficus, yucca, bamboo, dracaena, philodendron should be located. All of these plants perfectly support the tone of all the inhabitants of the housing, filling them with spiritual energy.

In the northern direction, it is better to make room for ivy, fern, vines, alocasia, as they are able to reflect all negative energy and give peace of mind. By the way, the Ave Caesar Hotel on Konyushennaya boasts the presence of the most beautiful vines and ferns, so the energy in it is always positive.

In the northeastern sector of the room, especially if there is a working area, it is ideal to place a fat woman, which gives strength and increases efficiency.

Cacti , which everyone loves, are considered protective plants, and therefore they should be placed on windowsills, regardless of the direction of the world. Ideally, put a cactus on each window sill.

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