Asparagus Meyer at home

HomeAll flowers that start with AAsparagus Meyer at home

Meyer’s Asparagus ( Asparagus Meyeri ) is an original species of the Asparagus genus, Asparagus family. Appreciated by florists for spectacular leaves that harmoniously fit into both home and office interiors. It is a favorite plant of many flower growers because of its beauty and unpretentiousness in care. Breeding this culture will not be particularly difficult even for beginners.


Asparagus Meyer is a sprawling evergreen subshrub, consisting of many branches. Its height at home reaches about 50 cm, and its width is up to 6 m. The stems are straight or arcuate, thin, very strong, flexible, with small numerous processes on the sides – cladodes, giving the plant a unique, decorative look.

The leaves of this culture are very small, almost imperceptible, they are transparent yellowish scales that completely cover the stems. The root system consists of many thick long roots.

Flowers solitary, bell-shaped, up to 0.5 cm across, yellow-white. Flowering lasts for three months from June to August. As a result of self-pollination after flowering, fruits are formed on the plant – red berries with seeds inside. The fruits of this culture are poisonous.

Among the most interesting forms, often found in indoor conditions, are Meyer’s asparagus “Densiflorus”, which is a densely flowered variety with an abundance of inflorescences. It is a plant with straight, slightly curved, stiff stems covered with thorns. The leaves are cladodes about 2 cm long and wide. The flowers are bell-shaped, 5 mm in diameter, pinkish-white. Flowering comes in spring.


Reproduction of Meyer’s asparagus is carried out with the help of seeds and by dividing the overgrown bush into parts. Sowing seeds is carried out at the end of winter, or in the first half of March. The seed is evenly distributed over the surface of the substrate, moistened with a spray bottle, covered with polyethylene to create greenhouse conditions.

For germination, they clean it in a warm, bright place, constantly maintaining a high level of humidity inside the mini-greenhouse. Sprouts appear after a month. After they grow up and get stronger, you can plant them in medium-sized pots.

By dividing the bush, this crop can be propagated at any time of the year, but it is better to carry out this work before the start of the growing season. It is important to take a well-grown perennial copy for reproduction. The bush is divided into 3 parts and seated in separate pots.


Since in nature this culture prefers to grow in places with high air humidity, similar conditions should be created for it when breeding in an apartment or office.

  • Location. Elevations are suitable for well-lit or semi-shaded areas of the room. To grow asparagus Meyer, you need to take a wide and fairly deep planter. The root system of this culture is growing rapidly, so it will be cramped in small dishes, and frequent transplants will be required.
  • Watering. From spring to September, the soil in the pot should be constantly moist, but not waterlogged. Watering should be done after a slight drying of the topsoil. Do not water the flower with hard water containing chlorine. This will negatively affect the appearance of the bush. The leaves will begin to fade, turn yellow and crumble. It is necessary to use soft settled or filtered water. With the onset of a dormant period, watering is reduced by moistening the substrate 1 to 2 times a week. If the plant is kept in a cool room with a temperature of 12-15 degrees during this time, watering will not be required at all.
  • Air humidity. When caring for Meyer’s asparagus at home, it is important to consider that the plant needs high humidity, which is quite difficult to achieve in an apartment. In summer, it is advisable to keep the pots outdoors. In the warm season, it is necessary to carry out daily spraying of the leaves. In the room where this culture grows, it is recommended to turn on the humidifier. Too dry air causes the plant to dry out.
  • Air temperature. Asparagus Meyer feels comfortable at a temperature of 20 – 25 degrees in spring and summer and at a temperature of 13 – 15 degrees in autumn and winter. The shrub endures heat hard, as well as temperature changes.
  • The soil. For growing this type of asparagus, a loose nutritious alkaline composition is suitable. Experienced flower growers prepare the optimal soil mixture on their own by mixing turfy soil, sand and humus in equal proportions and adding 2 parts of leafy soil.
  • Topdressing. From March to September, the plant should be fed 2 times a month, using a mineral composition for decorative and deciduous crops. From October to February, top dressing is enough to make 1 time per month.
  • Transfer. Transplantation should be carried out at the beginning or in the middle of spring, choosing a container slightly larger than the previous one. During this work, it is important to preserve the nodules, otherwise the plant will not take root well and may wither.

The photo below shows Meyer’s asparagus, grown in an apartment and being an original interior decoration:

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