What is the advantage of LED grow lights

HomeDirectory of a summer residentWhat is the advantage of LED grow lights

Lamps for plants are an indispensable thing in greenhouse conditions, where the sun’s rays do not always reach. And now there are many options for artificial daylight, however, some of them have their drawbacks. Incandescent lamps are affordable, but they give too little light, get very hot and do not have a blue color in their spectrum. A fluorescent lamp is better suited to vegetation, but it lacks red in its spectrum. And LEDs, despite their high cost, provide excellent illumination for your greenhouse and are environmentally friendly for green living creatures.

Why are LED lamps good?

Recently, LED plant lights have been gradually gaining popularity. Greenhouse owners appreciate them for such positive qualities:

  • 90W LEDs emit the same amount of light as 400W lamps;
  • do not contain mercury and other hazardous substances harmful to the environment;
  • full range of colors;
  • durability;
  • without ultraviolet and infrared radiation.

How to choose led lamps for plants

The main selection criteria are the spectrum of colors and wavelength. It is best if you purchase a lamp with LEDs of different colors, which allows you to turn them on individually, which can be used to advantage. For example, blue or violet rays have a positive effect on photosynthesis and the fleshiness of the stems, red and orange – stimulate vegetation to grow and form fruits. If you use such different led lamps for plants in a complex, you can significantly increase the yield of vegetable crops.

But if you want to find lighting for young seedlings, then it is worth considering that a simple LED lamp is not quite suitable here. After all, young sprouts need more special and complex care, including constant checking of the temperature, humidity and light levels in the greenhouse. The last problem can be solved with the help of an LED phytolamp, which is gentle on young shoots and maintains the required level of radiation for a long time.

Where can I buy

Lighting fixtures with LEDs are best bought in online stores. The reason for the profitability of such a purchase is elementary – you do not spend too much time shopping, but instead quickly find what you want and immediately place an order. They are much cheaper online. Therefore, you can save a lot of money and buy, for example, fertilizers with this money.

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