HomeAll flowers that start with S

All flowers that start with S

Strelitzia (Strelitzia): care, cultivation and photo views

Strelitzia (lat. Strelitzia) royal , or as it is also called "Bird of Paradise", is one of the most colorful flowers in the world....

Stromanta: varieties and proper cultivation

Stromanthe belongs to the Marantaceae family. Under natural conditions, it grows in the tropics of America. Stromanta is one of the most spectacular indoor plants,...

Sundew: characteristics, method of nutrition and cultivation

The carnivorous sundew plant is one of the “flycatcher” flowers that feeds on insects. Sundew catches both mosquitoes and flies, and especially large specimens...

Surfinia: description of varieties, reproduction and application

Surfinia (lat. Surfinia) is an ampelous petunia hybrid bred by Japanese breeders. The plant has high decorative characteristics, adapted to adverse climatic conditions, which...

Syngonium plant at home

The syngonium plant has a rich color and an amazing foliage shape. This makes it attractive to grow as a landscaping crop at home,...
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Friday, November 10, 2023
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