Types and varieties of garden violets

HomeVioletsTypes and varieties of garden violets

Violets are not only indoor plants. There are many types of garden violets that can be grown in cottages and garden plots in the middle lane. Some types of violets are unpretentious, while others require the creation of certain conditions, and only in this case they will delight you with colorful flowering. One way or another, all types and varieties of violets are worthy of your attention, the main thing is to choose the most suitable for your site.

Description of the tricolor violet and its flowers (with photo)

Synonyms for tricolor violet: pansies, Ivan da Marya, tricolor, brothers. The plant is found on forest edges, glades, meadows among shrubs, on the outskirts of fields in the forest and forest-steppe zones of Eurasia.

Botanical characteristics: an annual herbaceous plant 10-40 cm high with a thin, taproot, weakly branched root. Stem simple or branched, ascending, hollow. The leaves are alternate, glabrous, simple; stem – sessile, lower – petiolate. The flowers of the tricolor violet are solitary, irregular, on long peduncles.

Pay attention to the photo, the flowers of the tricolor violet are dark purple in the upper part, and yellow in the lower part.

The fruits are elongated ovoid tricuspid capsules. Blooms in July – August.

Growing conditions. Unpretentious, but prefers loose fertile soils.

Usage. It can be applied to registration of forest sites and rock gardens. A popular medicinal plant in folk medicine.

Varieties. The species was introduced into culture a very long time ago, more than 2000 years ago, and during this time many varieties were created both directly using this species and by crossing it with other species. According to the description, the tricolor violet is most similar to Wittrock’s violet hybrids (V. x wittrockiana).

At present, it is difficult to determine which particular species a particular variety belongs to, since it is impossible to trace the origin of many of them, therefore, small-flowered varieties, outwardly similar to wild tricolor violet, are usually referred to this species.

“Hortensis” (“Hortensis”) – flowers are numerous, medium-sized, purple with an orange eye, a spreading bush.

“E.A. Bowles” (“EA Bowles”) , or “Bowles Black” (“Bowles Black”) , – the color of the flowers is black-purple.

Violet tricolor is the official symbol of the city of Athens and Emperor Napoleon.

Violet graceful in the garden

Synonyms. Violet elegant, violet thin.

Distribution area. Balkans, Pyrenees, Asia Minor.

Graceful Violet is a perennial plant 10-20 cm high with ascending stems. The leaves are coarsely toothed. Flowers up to 4 cm, bluish-purple or yellow. Blooms from spring to autumn.

In the garden, the graceful violet is grown in full sun or partial shade, in structured, well-drained, moderately moist, nutritious soils.

Usage. Used to decorate rock gardens.

Varieties of graceful violet and their photos:

“Lord Nelson” (“Lord Nelson”) – the flowers are dark purple, almost black.

Moonlight” – yellow flowers.

“Major” (“Major”) – the flowers are large, purple with a yellow eye.

Violet horned perennial and her photo

Distribution area. Highlands of southern France, Spain, Italy.

Violet horned perennial has a creeping, strongly branched root and numerous ascending stems 15-25 cm high.

Forms cushion-like, dense bushes. Leaves ovate-oblong, toothed, up to 6 cm long.

As you can see in the photo, the horned violet has elongated flowers, 3-5 cm long.

Shades – from lilac to dark purple, with a small yellow “eye”. Flowering from May to September, but in the first half of summer – more abundant.

A necessary condition for growing horned violet is a dry location. This species reproduces as fragrant violet (V. odorata). Unlike violet Wittrock (V. x wittrockiana) does not degenerate for a long time. Prefers a sunny location, moderately fertile soil.

Usage. Horned violet is planted mainly in rock gardens, but in areas with moderately cold winters it can also be planted in flower beds – on flower beds, borders and lawns.

There are many varieties of horned violet. Among them:

“Boughton Blue” (“Boughton Blue”) – with blue flowers.

“Foxbrook Cream” (“Foxbrook Cream)” – with creamy white flowers.

Variety of violets “Gazelle” (“Gazelle”).

“Little David” (“Little David”) – with yellow flowers.

Violet variety “Gustave Wernig” (“Gustave Wernig”) .

“Helen Mount” (“Helen Mount”) – pale blue flowers.

“Milkmaid” (“Milkmaid”) – cream flowers with a light blue tint.

“Molly Sanderson” (“Molly Sanderson”) – with purple-black flowers.

“Netty Britton” (“Netty Britton”) – with lilac-blue flowers.

“Penny Black” (“Penny Black”) – the flowers are almost black.

“Talitha” (“Talitha”) – bluish-purple flowers with a white center.

“Victoria Cowthorne” (“Victoria Cowthorne”) – lilac-pink flowers.

“White Superior” large white flowers.

“U.N. Woodgate “ (” WN Woodgate “) – flowers are light pinkish-purple-blue.

Group “Sorbet F1” (“Sorbet F1”) consists of 10 varieties with different colors of flowers.

The flowers of violets growing in nature are most often purple or bluish, less often white or yellow.

Garden perennial Labrador violet

Compact, low (5-10 cm) bushes with rounded heart-shaped leaves and delicate medium-sized flowers rising above the foliage. The color of the leaves is bronze or dark purple, especially bright in spring and early summer. The color of the flowers is pink-carmine. Flowering – late May – June.

Garden perennial Labrador violet grows well in the sun, but can tolerate partial shade. Very cold hardy. Likes fertile, moderately moist soil.

Propagated only by seeds, which are sown in autumn in the ground or from March to May in boxes for seedlings. Seeds can germinate for quite a long time – within 1-15 months. Under favorable conditions, plants can self-sow.

Usage. In rockeries, in the foreground of mixborders, under sparse shrubs, in tree trunks.

Variety Purpurea” – dark purple flowers.

Violet Manchurian in the country

Perennial herbaceous plant from 6 to 20 cm high, with a short rhizome and ovate-lanceolate leaves on long “winged” petioles.

The flowers are dark purple, 2.5-2.6 cm in diameter, rising above the leaves on long stalks. On one plant, from 8 to 14 flowers open at the same time.

Blossoms in May – June, flowering is plentiful, lasts for a month.

Growing conditions. Light-loving, cold-resistant. Prefers loose, nutritious, moderately moist soils. Propagated by seeds and division of curtains. Can produce abundant self-seeding.

Usage. It can be grown in rockeries, mixborders, as well as in gardens and parks on the edges along shrubs and in open places, where it forms beautiful curtains. The use of Manchurian violets in the country is also widespread, the main thing is to ensure regular watering.

There are many varieties with different colors and sizes of flowers, as well as double or variegated (hatched) flowers:

“Myo-Jin” (“Myo-Jin”) – with purple flowers.

“Fuji Don” (“Fuji Dawn”) – with white-variegated leaves.

“Ebish” (“Ebiche”) – with pink flowers.

Butterfly violet and her photo

Synonyms. Violet sister, violet sororia (V. sororia).

Perennial plant 15-20 cm high. Leaves are heart-shaped or kidney-shaped, crenate, on long petioles, pubescent.

As you can see in the photo, the violet of this species has relatively large flowers with dark blue, purple, blue, pink petals.

There are varieties with white petals with a purple stripe or specks. The center of the flower is usually greenish-cream or white. The spur is creamy white. Blooms in May.

Growing conditions. Light or slightly shaded place, nutritious, moderately moist, well-drained, loose soils.

Usage. Rockeries, rock gardens. Can be very annoying.

Moth violet varieties:

“Gloriole” (“Gloriole”) – white flowers with a blue eye.

“Red Giant” (“Red Giant”) – pinkish flowers, large.

“Speckles” – purple petals with white speckles.

White Ladies” – large, pure white flowers.

“Frekles” (“Freckles”) – flowers are white with purple dots.

“Alice Witter” – pure white flowers with a pink center and veins.

Violet motley in the garden

Forms a rosette of leaves up to 15 cm high, without shoots. The leaves are dense, reniform, 2.5-5 cm long, pubescent, dark green above with silvery veins, purple below.

Growing conditions. In nature, it grows on dry slopes, steep cliffs, in dry steppes. In the garden, the motley violet requires bright, dry places, good drainage from fine gravel.

Usage: Rockeries, alpine slides.

Varieties of motley violets in the photo with descriptions:

“Syletta” (“Syletta”) – often sold under the name “violet cyclamenifolia”, has bright veins on leaf blades.

Variety of violets “Sylvia Hart” (“Sylvia Hart”) – with bright silvery veins on the leaves.

Korean garden violet (with photo)

Synonyms. Gryphorhorn violet (V. grypoceras).

Korean violet is a perennial plant that forms a rosette of heart-shaped basal leaves at the beginning of the growing season, and then – decumbent leafy shoots with deltoid leaves.

Growing conditions. Likes moderately shady places, moist, nutritious soils.

Usage. In shady gardens, under the canopy of trees and shrubs.

Variety of garden violet “Mars” (“Mars”) – forms a large leaf rosette up to 20 cm high. As can be seen in the photo, this garden violet has variegated leaves with dark purple rays diverging from the midrib. Lilac flowers, fragrant, located mainly under the foliage.

Growing fragrant violets and photo flowers

Synonyms. Violet is fragrant.

The area of distribution of the fragrant violet is the broad-leaved forests of Western Europe, the Crimea, the Caucasus, the Balkans, Asia Minor and Western Asia, and northern Africa. Everywhere in culture.

Perennial up to 15 cm high, with a short and thick underground stem and shoots that bloom in the second year.

According to its description, fragrant violet is similar to other species, but it has a pronounced pleasant aroma, for which it got its name.

Pay attention to the photo, fragrant violet has leaves with long petioles, round or ovoid, with a finely serrated edge, up to 6 cm long.

Fragrant violet flowers about 2 cm in diameter, on long thin pedicels, blue, violet, purple, white, non-double or double. Flowering is plentiful, twice a year – at the end of May and at the end of summer.

When growing fragrant violets, it is necessary to ensure moderate moisture and soil fertility. Grows well in full sun and partial shade. Propagated by seeds, division of the bush and cuttings. Young plants begin to bloom in the second year of life. In harsh winters with little snow, plants can be damaged and bloom poorly in the next season. Does not tolerate drought well. Can produce abundant self-seeding.

Usage. This species can be used to decorate light and semi-shady areas, edges near trees and shrubs, where plants form wide curtains with a continuous cover.

Varieties of fragrant violets are presented below:

“Bechtles Ideal” (“Bechtles Ideal”) – large-flowered, forcing variety.

“Queen Charlotte” (“Queen Charlotte”) – lilac-blue flowers, large, the variety is suitable for forcing.

“Coeur d” Alsace “ (” Soeit d “Alsace”) – pink flowers.

Variety of fragrant violet “Christmas” (“Christmas”)

“Alba” (“Alba”) – white flowers.

Sort “Red Charm” (“Red Charme”)

“Rubra” (“Rubra”) – flowers are red-purple.

“Triumph” (“Triumph”) – a variety of violet with very large flowers.

“King” (“The Czar”) – purple flowers, very fragrant.


Fragrant parma violet, or Parma violet (V. odorata var. parmensis) . It is cultivated in some areas of France, mainly in the south, in the vicinity of Nice, and also in Northern Italy, near Parma.

It differs from the main species in large, double, very fragrant flowers. It is widely used in the perfume industry, in particular to create extracts for perfumes.

Garden violet ivy

Synonyms. Violet ivy; kidney-shaped violet (V. reniforme).

Perennial plant 2.55 cm high with long, thin, creeping, intertwining shoots, with numerous small rounded leaves, creating a continuous wide carpet.

Above the leaves on long pedicels, medium-sized rounded flowers open, the central part of which is colored purple, and the tips of the petals are white.

Growing conditions. The plant is thermophilic, does not tolerate frost and does not hibernate in a temperate climate. Likes wet, wetlands. In the summer, the plants are taken out into the garden, for the winter they are placed in a cool, bright room, reducing or temporarily stopping watering and feeding. Propagated by division of curtains in spring.

Garden violet ivy is cultivated as a container ground cover or carpet plant, most often in conjunction with other tall ornamental crops. Prefers partial shade.

Variety “Blue Form” (“Blue Form”) – lilac-blue flowers.

Growing violet clobuche

Synonyms. Violet slanting (V. obliqua).

Perennial plant 15 cm high. Leaves are heart-shaped or reniform, crenate, on long petioles, pubescent. The flowers are relatively large, the petals are dark blue, purple, white. Blooms in May.

The best conditions for growing Violets klobuchkovoy – light or slightly shaded place, nutritious, moderately moist, well-drained, loose soil.

Usage. Rockeries, rock gardens. Can be very annoying.

The most common varieties of garden violets are shown below:

“Alba” (“Alba”) – white flowers.

“Bicolor” (“Bicolor”) – white flowers with purple veins.

“Gloria” (“Gloria”) – a hybrid with glossy leaves and white flowers with blue strokes.

“Rubra” (“Rubra”) – purple flowers.

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