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Aloe (Aloe): care, cultivation, reproduction and transplantation

Description: perennial plant from the lily family. It is a succulent shrub with erect, branching, stems covered with scars of dead leaves at the...

Begonias: a genus of perennial plants

Plant type: perennial.Description: Begonias are a genus of perennial plants belonging to the Begonia family. Their leaves can have a variety of patterns. Some...

Cereus (Cereus): classification, reproduction and care

Cereus cacti are tree-like, bushy or branching plants with a well-developed crown, from 1.5 to 15 m in height, up to 50 cm in...

chimera violets

These varieties of saintpaulias are real favorites of breeders and flower growers. Peculiar, very beautiful - they are a real rarity and luxury. If...

Clivia flowers: growing at home

Ease of care and reproduction is combined in clivia with decorativeness and durability, which makes it one of the most popular indoor crops ....

Crossandra: care and reproduction at home

In room culture, varieties and hybrids are grown that are compact, abundant and long flowering, and, unlike natural species, are less demanding on temperature...

Cultivation of castor beans: from planting to care

In our country, due to the exceptional thermophilicity of castor oil, its cultivation is possible only as an annual, but even in one year...

Dracaena Fragrans: care and reproduction

Fragrant dracaena ( Dracaena fragrans) , also called dracaena fragrans, is a species of shrubs from the genus dracaena , naturally growing in the...

Dracaena sanderiana (Dracaena sanderiana): care and reproduction

Dracaena sanderiana (Dracaena sanderiana) is a perennial herbaceous plant from the genus Dracaena , as an indoor crop, has long been grown in China...

Gasteria is the perfect succulent

Plant type: succulent. Family - lilies. Description: The name of the flower comes from its characteristic stomach-like shape. The fleshy, long, pointed foliage is combined into...

Growing and propagating orchids at home

Many refuse to grow orchids, believing that these plants are difficult to care for and require special conditions. Nevertheless, despite all the seeming fragility,...

Growing room dieffenbachia

Tropical plants, when grown at home, have specific requirements for the conditions of growth and reproduction, taking into account the peculiarities of their growth...

How to grow hyacinths at home and outdoors

In order for a flower to fully show its decorative qualities , it needs careful care. The agrotechnics of hyacinths in the garden is...

Incarvillea flower (Incarvillea): cultivation and varieties in the photo

Incarvillea (Incarvillea) - a genus of annual , biennial and perennial rhizomatous herbs and subshrubs of the Bignoniaceae family (Bignoniaceae), Beautifully flowering plants with...

Indoor geraniums: home beauties

All types of geraniums grown in the house are united by the name "room geranium". These are perennial herbs or shrubs with strong stems...

Indoor heather: propagation by seeds and growing at home

Of the many varieties of plants, the most suitable for growing at home are slender indoor heather (Erica gracilis) and wintering heather (Erica huemalis)...

Indoor plant – tradescantia flowers

"Women's gossip," so people's rumor dubbed one of the most revered indoor plants, tradescantia flowers. But such a name is unfair. And that's why....

Ixia bulbous flowers: photos and varieties

Ixia bulbous flowers are native to South Africa. They have been known as a cultivated plant since 1770. The name of the plant comes...

Ixia: planting, care, cultivation and photo

For most flower growers, growing plants is not only a useful pastime or hobby. Making an alpine hill, rockery or mixborder on their site,...

Propagation of cacti by cuttings and grafting

If you want to get a new succulent quickly, there is no point in sowing seeds. There are other ways to propagate cacti at...

Reproduction and cultivation of bathing suits

When cultivating bathing suits, planting and care do not require much effort, however, in order for the bushes to develop well and bloom profusely,...

Reproduction of clematis seeds and cuttings

Most cultivated clematis are hybrids , so they can only be propagated vegetatively by dividing bushes, cuttings, or layering. Grafting is also used for...

Saxifrage: planting, care and reproduction in the open field

Modern masters of landscape design very often use such a beautiful and unpretentious saxifrage flower to create their masterpieces. This perennial groundcover is sure...

Tricyrtis (Tricyrtis) – a beautiful short-haired flower

Plant type: perennial, herbaceous. Description: Ask any gardener about these plants and you will hear different opinions about them, but every one of them will...

Utsonia – cut flowers

Plant type: herbaceous. Origin: South Africa. Care: Utsonia is easy to care for. Lighting: full sun. Watering: moderate. The soil should be watered...

Uzumbar violet (Saintpaulia violet-flowered)

Usambara violets are the most common indoor flowers around the world. The number of their varieties can surprise even an experienced grower. However, not...

Violet: reproduction, planting and care

Plant type: perennial or annual, herbaceous. Homeland: These unusual flowers have been found all over the world, but many scientists are inclined to believe...

Zamioculcas: reproduction and care

One of the advantages of succulent , contributing to the growth of its popularity, is the ease of care and reproduction. Zamioculcas at home...

Zephyranthes (Zephyranthes) – indoor flower: care, reproduction and photo

Zephyranthes (Zephyranthes) is a genus of perennial bulbous plants of the Amaryllis family (Amaryllidaceae), naturally growing in tropical and subtropical regions of the American...

Zigocactus flowers (Zigocactus): diseases, reproduction or transplantation and care in the photo

Zigocactus is a genus of epiphytic succulents belonging to the cactus family (Cactaceae). In nature, it grows in the tropical forests of Brazil, distributed...
Wednesday, November 8, 2023