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Aloe (Aloe): care, cultivation, reproduction and transplantation

Description: perennial plant from the lily family. It is a succulent shrub with erect, branching, stems covered with scars of dead leaves at the...

Amorphophallus flower and his photo

Department: angiosperms (Magnoliophyta). Class: monocots (Monocotyledones). Order: aralie-colored (Arales). Family: Araliaceae (Araceae). Genus: amorphophallus (Amorphophallus). Species: amorphophallus pionolisty (A. paeoniifolius). Amorphophallus pionolifolia is common in northern...

Budra (Glechoma) – catnip

Description: perennial small herbaceous plant from the mint family. It spreads along the ground with a tetrahedral stem and often takes root at the...

Calendula: what it looks like, how and when to plant seeds

In addition to the mass of useful properties, calendula also has high decorative qualities. These small yellow or orange flowers can decorate any border...

Castor bean plant: types, varieties, application

Castor bean (Ricinus) is a monotypic genus of perennial evergreen shrubs of the Euphorbiaceae family, widely distributed wild in tropical and subtropical regions throughout...

Castor oil: properties, description and cultivation of plants from seeds

Despite the fact that the history of castor bean has more than 4000 years, its homeland has not yet been so reliably determined. Some...

Chamomile (Chamomile) garden, meadow, field – description

Plant type: herbaceous. Homeland: Mediterranean, South Africa, countries of the East. Chamomile - description They are hardy perennial and annual herbs. They grow from 30 to 60...

China (Lathyrus) tuberous and broad-leaved: tips for growing

Plant type: perennial or annual. Description: These hardy plants can be ascending or bushy. The upward growing vines can reach a height of 1.8 meters...

Common Dubrovnik (Teucrium chamaedrys)

Common Dubrovnik (Teucrium chamaedrys) is a perennial perennial of the genus Dubrovnik (Teucrium), of the labiate or lamb family (Lamiaceae). Medicinal and ornamental plant....

Cornflower (Centaurea): description and types of flower in the photo

The name of the plant comes from the ancient Greek word "kentaurion" - in honor of the mythological famous centaur Chiron, who perfectly mastered...

Dandelion (Taraxacum) – cultivation and application

Plant type: perennial herbaceous. Homeland: Dandelions have a wide range of habitats, but were predominantly found in Eurasia. Growing environment: greenhouse, garden, home...

Echinacea garden perennial: description and cultivation of a flower

The attractiveness of garden perennial echinacea for flower growers is that its seeds can be sown in the ground as early as April without...

Fireweed flowers and its types with a photo

Fireweed (Epilobium) is a genus of herbaceous and semi-shrub plants of the fireweed family (Onagraceae), common in the temperate and cold zones of both...

Geranium: plant description from roots to leaf tips

Geranium (Geranium) is a genus of perennial, less often annual herbs and shrubs of the geranium family, more than 300 species growing in various...

Golden mustache (Callisia fragrans) – indoor flower

Plant type: perennial. Origin: Mexico. Golden mustache (Callisia fragrans) - indoor flower Caring for this plant is easy. Growing environment: home, greenhouse or garden....

Goldenrod, or Solidago – medicinal flower from Canada

General description: This is a fairly common flower, and it is appreciated by flower growers as an unpretentious, bright, hassle-free and undemanding plant. Moreover,...

Gorse (Genista) – a plant with yellow flowers

Gorse (Genista) is a genus of shrubs and shrubs belonging to the legume family (Fabaceae), growing in the warm regions of Europe, the Middle...

Grass corostavnik

Korostavnik (Knautia) is a genus of herbaceous annuals, biennials and perennialsbelonging to the subfamily of the tufted (Dipsacoideae) from the honeysuckle family (Caprifoliaceae), naturally...

Kalanchoe (Bryophyllum): description and photo

Many flower growers will first of all remember the “surgeon without a knife” plant or indoor flower Kalanchoe (Kalanchoe), famous for its healing properties....

Loosetail (Lythrum): herbaceous plant – photo of species with descriptions

Looseberry (Lythrum) - a genus of annual and perennial herbs, less often small shrubs of the Loosefly family (Lythraceae), is widespread in nature, grows...

Marigold (Tagetes) or velvet – garden flowers and varieties in the photo

The leaves of the plant are pinnately divided or pinnately dissected, less often serrated, entire, from light to dark green in color with translucent...

Oregano (Origanum) – medicinal herb and its medicinal properties

Oregano (Origanum) is a genus of herbs of the Lamiaceae family, about 50 species, naturally growing in glades, dry meadows and light forests in...

Plant fireweed Ivan-Tea: the use of seeds and useful properties with a photo

Ivan-tea narrow-leaved (Chamerion angustifolium lat.) Herbaceous perennial plant. Among the people, fireweed, Ivan-tea is known as: a secretary, a plakun, Koporsky tea, a miller,...

Sage (Salvia) officinalis and clary: growing in the garden

Plant type: perennial or annual. Description: This is a group of hardy and graceful plants. In total, there are about 900 species in the genus....

Sweet clover (Melilotus) – medicinal herb and its use

Sweet clover ( Melilotus ) is a genus of biennial and annual plants of the subfamily of moths (Faboideae) of the legume family (Fabaceae),...

Tagetes: description, useful properties and cultivation

Decorative flowers of tagetes are popularly called marigolds . Indeed, the petals of the plant are velvety to the touch and have a specific...

Types and varieties of Clover: description and photo

Clover (Trifolium) is a genus of annual and perennial herbs of the legume family (Fabaceae) of the moth subfamily (Faboideae), growing in the temperate...

Uvularia for medicinal and landscape purposes

Plant type: perennial, herbaceous. Description: representative of the lily family. In the wild, this hardy plant has a wide range of habitats. Mostly uvularia grow...

Valerian: description and cultivation of the plant

Valerian (Valeriana) is a genus of perennial and annual herbs, less often shrubs of the subfamily of the valerian family of the honeysuckle family,...

Woodruff (Woodruff) fragrant and odorous

Plant type: perennial. Description: Both hardy perennials and annuals are found in this genus. They differ in the flowering period, and annuals usually bloom in...

Yarrow perennial: photo and description of the plant

If you want to decorate the lower tier of a rockery or an alpine slide, you cannot do without low-growing varieties of garden yarrow...

Yarutka field (Thlaspi arvense): medicinal flower

Plant type: annual. Description: This weed is most often found on arable land, roadsides, and also wastelands. It blooms profusely in a variety of habitat...
Wednesday, November 8, 2023