Rose stimulants and their uses

HomeAbout rosesRose stimulants and their uses

Rose stimulants are designed to improve the rooting of cuttings, accelerate root formation and increase the growth rate of shoots. The best preparations for roses are Kornerost, Kornevin, Humisol-N, Zircon and Bud. They do not contain additives harmful to plants and are approved for use. What is included in each of them, and how to use these stimulants at home – read below.

Natural stimulant for the formation of roots in roses “Kornerost”

This stimulant for roses is similar in action to Heteroauxin, but, unlike the latter, it is not a tablet, but a water-soluble capsule, which is much more convenient to use.

“Kornerost” stimulates the formation and growth of roots in plants.

When using the required amount of the drug is dissolved in clean water according to the instructions.

In addition to roses, the natural root formation stimulator “Kornerost” is used in the cultivation of other ornamental shrubs, as well as fruit trees, seedlings of vegetable and flower crops, bulbs and corms of flower plants.

Stimulant for roses “Bud” and its application

“Bud plus” – a biostimulator of flowering, designed for garden and indoor flowers . The drug is a water-soluble powder. Its active ingredient is sodium salts of gibberellic acids, humates, microelements.

As a result of the use of the stimulant “Buton”:

  • the number of buds, the size of inflorescences, the brightness of the color of flowers increases;
  • increases the resistance of plants to frost and drought;
  • the survival rate of planted plants improves;
  • growth, bud formation and lush flowering are stimulated.

When using the growth stimulator for roses “Bud”, dissolve the contents of the package in 2 liters of water. Before filling the sprayer, strain it to remove any possible sediment of insoluble particles.

Spray the plants with a freshly prepared solution of the drug in dry, calm weather in the morning or evening, evenly wetting the leaves.

The consumption of the working solution is 2 liters per 40-50 m2 of a flower bed. The first spraying is carried out 7 days after plant transplantation, the second – during budding, the third – during the flowering period.

The drug is not phytotoxic, does not accumulate in plants, does not pollute the soil and groundwater, is safe for fish, bees and other beneficial insects.

There are various modifications of the drug “Buton”, which are effective in growing other crops.

How to stimulate roses: the drug “Humisol-N”

Bio-plant growth stimulator, high potency liquid elixir.

A biological product obtained from biohumus, an environmentally friendly organic raw material. It increases the energy of seed germination, enhances root formation, stimulates the growth and development of plants, increases resistance to diseases, and inhibits the growth of pathogenic microflora.

How to stimulate roses with the help of the drug “Humisol-N”? When using the drug is diluted with water at room temperature. To treat seeds, cuttings, they are soaked in a solution (one part of the drug to five parts of water) for a day.

For foliar top dressing – bushes are sprayed with a solution of the drug 1:25 during the period of intensive growth and the beginning of flowering.

Root feeding of plants is carried out with a preparation diluted 1:50, 1-2 times during the growth period.

“Humisol” can be used to feed indoor flowers once a month with a 1:10 solution.

To save the cut flowers, renew the sections and dip them into the solution of the preparation 1:10, and if you keep the flowers in the solution, then 1:50.

Solution for rooting cuttings of roses “Zircon”

Biological immunomodulator, root former, flowering inducer, obtained from vegetable raw materials.

Application of the drug on roses:

  • accelerates the beginning of flowering;
  • promotes an increase in the number of flowering shoots;
  • increases the resistance of plants to adverse environmental conditions (frost, drought, excess moisture, lack of light);
  • sharply reduces the degree of damage to plants by powdery mildew, black spot, cancer;
  • stimulates root formation.

When cutting roses, 1 ml (ampoule) of the drug is dissolved in 1 liter of water and the cuttings are soaked in this solution for 12-14 hours.

Spraying of vegetative bushes with a solution for rooting cuttings of roses and to accelerate flowering is carried out before the formation of buds in a proportion of 1 ml per 2 liters of water. To increase the viability of plants under adverse environmental factors, roses are sprayed 2-3 times with an interval of 10-15 days with a solution of “Zircon” (1 ml in 10 liters of water).

In addition to roses, the preparation for rooting cuttings “Zircon” can be used for cuttings of grapes, currants, hydrangeas , arborvitae and other plants; when growing vegetable crops, bulbous and bulbous flower plants; for seed treatment before sowing.

Root formation stimulator of roses “Kornevin”

Root formation stimulator, active ingredient – indolylbutyric acid. The drug is used for rooting cuttings of roses, improving the survival rate during transplantation of seedlings, seedlings.

1st method: the harvested green cuttings are slightly moistened and, before planting, the ends of the lower sections are immersed in a dry preparation by about 1 cm. The excess powder is shaken off and the cuttings are placed in moist soil or substrate (without excess water) under a film or in a greenhouse. Lignified cuttings are soaked in water for several hours before processing.

2nd method: 10 g of the drug is mixed in 10 liters of water. The root system of seedlings, seedlings is soaked before planting in the working suspension of the drug for 6 hours or the plants are watered under the root. Consumption of working fluid per 1 plant: rose seedlings – 250 – 300 ml.

The drug “Kornevin” is recommended to be stored in a dry place, separate from food, feed and medicines, in places protected from light and inaccessible to children and animals.

In addition to the growth stimulants mentioned above, when growing roses, you can use:







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