Pests and diseases of zamiokulkas: why does zamiokulkas grow poorly, wither?

HomeZamioculcasPests and diseases of zamiokulkas: why does zamiokulkas grow poorly, wither?

Although the plant is resistant to pests and diseases, zamiokulkas, the care of which does not take into account its biological characteristics, not only loses its decorative effect, but is also more often damaged by both insects and various rots.

Why is Zamioculcas growing poorly or not growing at all?

Of the problems that flower growers face when growing this succulent, the following are the most common.

Poor growth of zamiokulkas in the photo

Zamioculcas stretches, the number of lobules on young leaves decreases, they become pale in color – the plant does not have enough light, it must be rearranged closer to the window. Although the flower is quite shade-tolerant, it does not develop well under completely artificial lighting.

Zamioculcas does not grow – slow growth is a biological feature of the culture, and if optimal conditions are not created for it, it is even more inhibited. An important role in stimulating growth is played by the composition of the soil and the size of the pot, which should not be too spacious. Zamiokulkas grows poorly even in the absence of regular top dressing, especially acutely reacting to a lack of potassium, magnesium and nitrogen.

Dark spots on Zamioculcas

Dark spots appeared on the leaves – zamiokulkas is kept at a low temperature or has fallen under a draft, excessive watering leads to the same result.

Dark spots on zamiokulkas in the photo

It is necessary to adjust the thermal and water regime, to exclude stagnant water, to drastically reduce the amount of moisture in case of waterlogging.

Zamioculcas rots

The stalk rots in Zamioculcas – stem rot, which is usually caused by excessive watering at low temperatures. This causes rotting not only of the stem, but also of the roots. Heavy clay soil that does not provide air and water permeability can also lead to stem and root rot.

Rotting zamiokulkas in the photo

This is the most common cause of the death of a flower, you can try to save it only if you dig up the tuber and remove the affected parts, sprinkling cuts with crushed charcoal. The whole plant, both its ground and underground parts, is treated with a systemic fungicide (oxychom, fundazol) and planted in a new pot, completely replacing the substrate.

If the process has gone too far, the affected tuber is discarded, parts of the leaves are used for propagation.

Zamioculcas dries

Dried zamiokulkas leaf in the photo

Zamioculcas leaves dry and fall off – if the lower lobes of the leaf die off, then this is a natural aging process, when all parts fall off, the plant suffers from care errors. The reason may be mechanical damage.

If Zamiokulkas turned yellow

Zamioculcas turned yellow – the lower leaves turn yellow and fall off with age, young, newly appeared ones – due to care errors: low temperature, drafts, but most often – due to root rot caused by waterlogging.

Yellowed zamiokulkas in the photo

It is necessary to limit watering, in case of severe damage – urgently transplant the plant into a new soil.

Spots on the stem of Zamioculcas

Dark stripes and spots on the stalk of zamiokulkas – if there are no wet and soft areas with signs of rot, then such spots are a biological feature of the plant. Dark spots on the stems and leaves can also appear when attacking a scale insect flower.

Spots on the stem of zamiokulkas in the photo

Yellow dry spots on the leaves – a consequence of burns from direct sunlight.

Zamiokulkas pests

The plant is rarely attacked by insects, apparently due to the thick glossy skin that covers the leaves.

Of the pests of Zamioculcas, sometimes there are:

The spider mite, the appearance of which provokes too dry air, manifests itself in the form of a thin white cobweb in the internodes, with a strong lesion, the leaves of the zamiokulkas wither, turn yellow and crumble. To destroy the pest, the leaves are wiped with a soapy sponge, sprayed with a weak tobacco infusion, after which the plant is washed under a warm shower. If these measures do not help, use ready-made insecticides (Akarin, Antiklesch, etc.) according to the manufacturer’s instructions. You can also pollinate the flower with ground sulfur, but do this only outside the living quarters;

Scale insects that can get on the succulent from neighboring plants. Insects are hardly noticeable at first, but multiply rapidly, while the stems and leaves become covered with dark spots. Adults are inactive, they are removed with a damp sponge, the larvae are destroyed by spraying the entire plant with soapy water or insecticides, such as actara.

Aphids often appear if the plant is taken out into the open air for the summer. Affected leaves curl, discolor, then turn yellow and fall off. It is destroyed by ready-made insect repellents such as decis, intavir, actellik or fitoverma.

Thrips, often moving from neighboring plants, while silvery lesions appear on the leaves, the stems are bent, traces of excrement are visible. To destroy this persistent pest, repeated treatment with insecticides (intavir, karate, actellik, karbofos, etc.) is used.

Mealybugs that infect plants in conditions of too dry air, rather large pests visible to the naked eye, suck the juices from the leaves and young shoots, which is why the flower lags behind in growth, the leaves deform and fall off, leave sugary cotton-like secretions, on which they settle in further sooty fungi. With a mild form of damage, insects are mechanically removed with a damp sponge moistened with a soap or alcohol solution; in more complex cases, they are treated with pesticides (intavir, decis, actelik, etc.). Sometimes you have to try several drugs to choose the most effective.

After any treatment with insecticides in a day, the flower is washed with a warm shower, while not forgetting to cover the soil in the pot with polyethylene. If necessary, spraying is repeated several times, until the pest is completely destroyed.

The optimal temperature and light conditions, moderate watering without stagnant water, as well as regular top dressing will help to avoid any pests and diseases on the succulent. Properly cared for, Zamioculcas adapts well to growing conditions in residential and office premises and remains decorative for a long time.

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