Oregano (Origanum) – medicinal herb and its medicinal properties

HomeAll flowers that start with OOregano (Origanum) - medicinal herb and its medicinal properties

Oregano (Origanum) is a genus of herbs of the Lamiaceae family, about 50 species, naturally growing in glades, dry meadows and light forests in the southern part of Eurasia from the Mediterranean to Central Asia and South Siberia. Traditionally used as a spice and medicinal plant, some varieties – in decorative floriculture .

  • Family: Lamiaceae.
  • Origin: North Africa, Southwest Asia.
  • Rhizome: creeping, glabrous.
  • Stem: upright.
  • Leaves: opposite, petiolate, oval.
  • Fruit: nut.
  • Reproductive ability: propagated by division of rhizomes and seeds.
  • Illumination: light-requiring.
  • Watering: drought-resistant.
  • Content temperature: frost-resistant, some species require shelter for the winter.
  • Flowering time: July to August

General information about the oregano plant and history

Perennial herbs, semi-shrubs with oblique creeping rhizomes, from which straight, slightly pubescent, tetrahedral stems 30–75 cm high grow.

Small flowers are collected in apical or axillary corymbose paniculate inflorescences. The oregano flower is tubular, with a two-lipped pale purple corolla and a darker red-purple bract. The fruits are smooth, brownish or light gray, consist of 4 nuts, ripen from August to October. Seeds are small, brown, 1 g contains up to 10,000 pieces, germination persists for 5 years.

Oregano herb has been known to mankind since time immemorial. The ancient Greeks considered it magical. According to legend, the great Zeus himself was fed in infancy with honey collected by bees from this amazing plant growing on the slopes of Mount Dikta of the island of Crete. The healing properties of Cretan oregano, the ability to heal wounds, draw out arrows and splinters, are noted both in the writings of ancient philosophers and in medieval literature. Already in the IV century BC. mention of this can be found in the writings of Aristotle, and after 3 centuries – in Virgil’s Aeneid. Medieval authors also repeatedly wrote about the medicinal qualities of the plant.

Oregano in the photo

The Latin name for origanum, origanum, comes from the Greek words “oros”, “mountain”, and “ganos”, “shine”, which reflects the property of a plant growing on the slopes of mountains to cover them with a bright shiny carpet during flowering. Of the Russian names, common are – amulet, motherboard, flea, bone-breaking grass, forest mint, oregano.

Oregano is widespread in Europe, in Russia they grow almost throughout the territory, except for the regions of the Far North. They were brought to the territory of the American continent by Europeans at the beginning of the 20th century, and are now widely cultivated in the USA, as well as in France and a number of other countries.

Using oregano: useful properties and contraindications

The medicinal properties of oregano are due to its complex chemical composition. The plant contains vitamin C, a number of flavonoids, tannins, but its essential oil is especially valued, the amount of which in various species ranges from 0.3 to 1.2%. The components of the oil are such aromatic and biologically active substances as phenols (thymol, carvacrol ), terpenoids, coumarins and anthocyanins. The high content of carvacrol gives the oil powerful antibacterial properties that are superior to many modern antibiotics. It is not surprising, therefore, that since ancient times oregano has been considered an excellent wound healing and anti-inflammatory agent. Official medicine uses the herb as part of expectorant and diaphoretic preparations for bronchitis and pneumonia, with intestinal atony to enhance peristalsis, and externally for various rashes. The herb has a diuretic effect, is used to treat urolithiasis. The sedative effect of the plant is well known, it calms the nervous system, has mild analgesic properties.

Medicinal oregano plays a special role in restoring women’s health , it is not for nothing that people often call it female weed or mother, It is a phytohormone that allows you to compensate for the lack of estrogen in a woman’s body, regular intake of herbs can help prevent the early onset of menopause, facilitates its manifestations such as hot flashes and headaches. In addition, the plant has a significant tonic and stimulating effect on the smooth muscles of the uterus. It is with this that the widely known beneficial properties and contraindications of oregano are associated. Infusion and even just tea from flowers and leaves helps to restore menstrual irregularities, relieves pain during menstruation. However, it is categorically contraindicated for pregnant women, since it can cause uterine contractions and abortion, it is not for nothing that oregano is one of the oldest abortifacients.

Traditionally, the herb is also used for a number of sexual disorders, it helps against sexual incontinence, wet dreams, erotomania, while acting gently, without disturbing the sexual function of a man, but reducing hyperexcitability. However, it is still not recommended for men to take herbal preparations for a long time. It is also contraindicated in heart disease, renal and hepatic colic, severe hypertension.

Most often, oregano is used for medicinal purposes (O. vulgare) , an unpretentious plant, ubiquitous in Europe and Asia. It is usually harvested in July-August, during the flowering period, by cutting off plants of the second year of vegetation and older at a height of 15-20 cm from the ground, which ensures the minimum content of hard stems in the finished raw material, and the maximum content of flowers and leaves.

Types and varieties of oregano in the photo

The value of oregano in culture is not limited to its medicinal properties. This is a popular spicy-aromatic plant, widespread in the culinary arts of many, especially southern countries, where the spice is called by its Latin name, “oregano”. In this capacity, southern species are used:

Syrian (O. Syriacum) ;

Greek (O. Heracleoticum) ;

Sicilian (O. Virens) ;

Turkish (O. Onites) , oregano, etc., differing in taste and smell from the common oregano that grows in our country.

The well-known spicy-aromatic plant marjoram (O. Majorana) also belongs to the genus of oregano.

Recently, the culture is increasingly used in floriculture. Oregano bushes are drought-resistant, so they look great in rock gardens, often grown on the so-called spicy alpine hills. A number of low-growing varieties have been bred, distinguished not only by long flowering, but also by decorative leaves.

Popular varieties of oregano in the photo:

Compactum , bushes covered with delicate hairs, small leaves, pink flowers, grow up to 15-20 cm;

Rural cream , with decorative leaves, decorated with a cream border, and pink flowers, growth – 15-20 cm;

Variegata , another variegated variety with a white border around the edge of the leaf plate, about 20 cm high

Aureum , bush up to 25 cm tall, golden leaves, pink flowers;

Finally, oregano plants are good honey plants, known as an effective remedy for various diseases of bees.

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