Monarda perennial: description and growing conditions

HomeAll flowers that start with MMonarda perennial: description and growing conditions

The flowers of the perennial monarda are very unusual – from a distance they resemble giant spiders, and all thanks to the needle-like growths on the upper petals. All types of monarda are extremely fragrant, and their leaves are sometimes added as a spice to various dishes. In addition, this plant is ideal for making floristic compositions , as the flowers do not lose their decorative effect for a long time when cut.

Description of minarda and its reproduction in the garden

Check out the photo and description of the monarda, and you will certainly want to grow this flower in your garden!

It is a perennial herbaceous, bushy, long-rhizome flowering plant from the mint family. Culture up to 1 m high with dark green wide lanceolate leaves, serrated along the edges, similar to mint leaves.

Flowers of various colors (carmine, purple, crimson, violet, etc.) are collected in capitate inflorescences. Blooms from June to September. All parts of the plant (flowers, leaves, stems) have a pleasant mint-lemon tart aroma.

A necessary condition for growing Monarda is a sunny or semi-shaded warm landing site. In the south of Russia, the culture winters well without shelter. Responsive to organic fertilizers. In the heat, evening watering is necessary. In one place, without a transplant, it grows up to 7 years, while maintaining high decorative qualities.

Reproduction of the monarda is carried out by dividing the bushes during the spring regrowth of the shoots. It shows great resistance to diseases and pests, from diseases it is affected by powdery mildew. You can propagate the culture and seeds. They are sown in the spring in open ground beds. A month later, the seedlings are seated in a permanent place.

Plants are undemanding. Grow well in sunny and semi-shaded areas. The soil is any, not waterlogged, but in dry hot weather, especially in the southern region, the monard should be periodically watered and mulched. When fertilizing with mineral and organic fertilizers, it blooms unusually magnificently. In one place it can grow up to 7 years, when it grows, it is planted in the spring at a distance of 35-40 cm.

Types and varieties of Monarda

The most decorative types of monarda are double, fistulate and lemon. They are characterized by long and abundant flowering, high winter hardiness.

The double reaches a height of 70 cm, has slightly pubescent leaves and bright crimson flowers.

The fistulate flowers can be white , pink, lilac and purple. Stems erect, slightly branched, one meter or more high. Numerous varieties of these species are known, united under the name hybrid monarda.

Monarda lemon, or citrus – this species is especially interesting for growing in the gardenbecause it is not only an ornamental, but also a spicy plant.

Monarda “Panorama” , mix. Bright and fragrant monarda inflorescences will create a spectacular clearing, colorful mixborder or flower bed . Excellent cut : multi-colored swirling inflorescences on strong stems Long stand in a vase. The fragrant leaves are used as a spice.

Monarda hybrid “Croftway Pink”. Perennial plant, reaching a height of up to 100 cm. The leaves are simple, oblong-lanceolate, serrated, green. The description of this variety of Monarda is fully consistent with the description – its flowers are pink, small, fragrant. Collected in dense capitate inflorescences, often located one above the other on the stem. Blooms in June-August. Prefers rich moist soils. It is used in discounts and mixborders.

Now many varieties of hybrid monarda are known, differing in the size of plants, the color of flowers and the strength of the smell that attracts bees and butterflies.

Pay attention to the photo – all varieties of monarda look great both in single and in group plantings:

Varieties with white inflorescences are not very stable on flower beds, so they are the least common in landscaping. They are followed by hardiness varieties with light purple and red color. The most resistant are varieties close to natural species, with lilac and bright crimson inflorescences.

In the garden, Monarda is used to create groups in combination with other perennials and flowering shrubs . It is also suitable for planting in mixborders, discounts . Good in large groups of different varieties. Faded flowers are removed, pruned in the fall.

Cut flowers last a long time in a vase.

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