Growing and caring for the canna flower

HomeTuberousGrowing and caring for the canna flower

Gardeners appreciate the canna for its decorative effect, bright, showy flowers and lush foliage. The indisputable advantage of this plant is that its flowering begins in summer (in June or July, depending on the variety) and lasts until frost. The flower has only two drawbacks: firstly, it tolerates wintering well in the open field only in warm regions, and secondly, it has no smell. However, these shortcomings are insignificant, in comparison with the fact that canna is practically not susceptible to any diseases, unpretentious to growing conditions, unlike other exotics, and drought-resistant.

Canna propagation is carried out by dividing the rhizome into parts and seeds. The first method of reproduction is the most common, the second is used mainly for breeding.

The division of the massive rhizome is carried out in late March – early April. The tubers are cleaned from the ground and divided according to the number of healthy buds. If some buds are located nearby, both are left so that the plant is formed more developed and powerful. Slices are sprinkled with crushed coal and dried in the open air. Some rhizomes can be kept in sawdust, while others can be planted immediately in tubs so that they begin to bloom faster.

How to grow canna from seeds

Species cannas are most often obtained from seeds. Before planting, the seeds are stratified because they have a hard shell that needs to be softened. To do this, they are poured over with boiling water and kept in a tightly closed container with warm water for 3 hours. Or put in the refrigerator for 2 hours. Sow in February as seedlings in small pots. For planting, a mixture of black soil, peat and sand, taken in equal parts, is suitable. Seeds are buried by 1 – 2 cm, covered with a layer of earth from above. Optimum temperature for germination: 24 – 26 °C. Shoots will appear in a month. When the seedlings have 3-4 leaves, they are seated in separate containers before planting in the ground. After the appearance of the first leaves, the container with the flower is removed into a room with a temperature of 16 – 18 ° C and good lighting. With a lack of light, the sprouts will begin to stretch. For better development of a young plant, it is recommended to water it with a solution of potassium permanganate once every 10 days.

Planting cannes in open ground

Planting cannes in open ground is carried out after the threat of frost has passed (in April – May). It is important for flower growers to take into account that a flower may lag behind in growth due to a sharp temperature drop, or it may not bloom at all. The distance between each plant should be 30 – 70 cm, depending on the variety or species. For planting, you should choose sunny sites, protected from drafts, with fertile, rich in organic matter, drained soil. For abundant flowering, cannes need to be under the sun for at least 6 hours daily. With a lack of light, the foliage becomes pale, and the volume of flowering decreases. In order for the cultivation of the canna to be successful, the flower to grow, develop and please the eye with its appearance, you should prepare a warm “litter” for it, that is, lay a layer of fresh manure on the bottom of the pit. This will provide warmth and nourishment to the roots and stimulate the growth and flowering of the plant. A layer of manure is covered with the same layer of soil, watering is carried out, and only after that a rhizome or a plant that has sprouted in a pot is placed in the pit, and the earth is added dropwise on top.

If the planting of cannes is successful, their flowering will begin in 1.5 – 2 months.

canna flower care

After the canna has been planted, the flower should be watered abundantly. Further care will consist of regular watering, weed removal and loosening of the soil. Do not allow the earth to dry out, this will lead to yellowing and drying of the leaves. However, excess moisture will contribute to the occurrence of fungal diseases. From the end of August, watering is stopped for the ripening of strong rhizomes.

Canna flower care also includes fertilizing with liquid mineral fertilizers. During the growing season, 1 – 2 top dressings are applied.

Faded buds should be picked off to keep the flowers looking neat and fresh. At the end of flowering, the plant will need to be spudded to protect the root neck from freezing.

At the end of October, after the first frost in dry weather, the leaves and stem of the flower are cut to 20–25 cm. The tubers are dug out together with an earthen clod and stored in a cool place, for example, in a pantry or on a balcony, where the air temperature is 8–14 ° WITH. So that the earth does not dry out, the rhizomes are placed in plastic bags or boxes with holes for air access. You can transplant dug rhizomes into tubs or large containers filled with light, nutritious soil, then flowering will continue into the dormant period. As practice shows, growing cannes at home is just as successful as in the garden. Indoors, tubers can be stored until spring, after which they can be cleaned from the ground, divided and planted in open ground.

canna pest control

Growing and caring for canna does not cause any particular difficulties, since this culture is not prone to damage by diseases and pests. In rare cases, it can be subject to bacterial diseases, manifested as dark and light spots on the leaves. In the advanced stage of the disease, the buds turn black and die.

With an excess of moisture in the soil, bacterioses develop, which not only affect the flower, but also lead to its death. Sometimes the leaves damage the caterpillars of butterflies. Insecticides will help to destroy them. Roots can damage nemadodes. Canna pest control includes soil treatment with special preparations.

Knowing how to grow a canna and putting some effort into it, you can get an unusual plant for making bouquets, decorating flower beds and personal plots. These tall flowers will look great in the middle of the flower beds in combination with low-growing, medium-sized plants. In addition, canna, growing in a green lawn in a group or singly, will be a bright, spectacular decoration that can be admired for several months.

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