Genorinum small (Chaenorhinum minus): cultivation and care

HomeAll flowers that start with GGenorinum small (Chaenorhinum minus): cultivation and care

Plant type: annual, herbaceous.

Description: Although the flowers of this genus are generally perennial, they are mainly grown as annuals. There are many types of genorinum. For example, the taller varieties are very popular because they are often used for decorative purposes in the backdrop of a garden. Genorinum small is an annual flower, it reaches a height of 15 to 30 cm, and grows in width to about the same distance. As a rule, they are planted in borders. These flowers can be found in almost any color, with the exception of a blue tint. In some regions, with proper care, these hardy plants grow even in winter.

  • Origin: Mediterranean and southern Europe.
  • Lighting: full sun.
  • Reproduction: carried out by planting seeds.

Foliage: the shape of the leaves is lanceolate, the shade is dark green, the stems are erect (from 10 to 40 cm high). The plant often has a large number of branches. The leaves are short and narrow. They can form rosettes along the stem.

Genorinum small in the photo during the flowering period.

Flowering: begins in June and continues until September. Sometimes the plant may begin to bloom in early spring, it all depends on the climate of the region in which you live. Flower stems are thin, 1-2 cm long, grow from leaves. The length of the flowers is about 1 cm. Shades are different.

Genorinum – care

Soil Type: Genorinum is easy to care for and requires well-drained soil. The composition of the soil should be as follows: ordinary garden soil, peat moss or compost.

Watering: The soil should be moderately moist. Abundant watering is required only in the summer heat, when the flowers fall off.

Fertilizers: Apply top dressing to moist soil in spring. Fertilizers should contain a large amount of nitrogen. After that, fertilize once a month. Avoid getting fertilizer on the stems of the flower.

Pests: Make sure the foliage is not damp, this way you will avoid the appearance of fungi and mold. It is also possible to be affected by mites or plant aphids. If the problem is serious, then use various chemicals to kill pests.

Planting: Genorinum seeds should be planted 8-12 weeks before the last expected frost. The seeds of the plant are quite small and sometimes hard to see. Scatter them on the surface of the soil and do not bury. After planting, keep them in a warm sunny place indoors. Regular watering is required, but the seeds of plants such as henorinum do not need to be watered with a watering can, use a spray. The first shoots will appear in 8-14 days. You can then take them outside to a sheltered spot for a week, a few days before the last expected frost.

If you are growing genorinum indoors, then you need to find a cool place in the house. It is best to place the flower near a cool window.

Application: genorinum, whose flowers are very beautiful, is used, as a rule, for decorative purposes. It is planted in garden beds, grown on stones in rock gardens and containers.

Extra: The plant is not toxic to pets, but it can be harmful to human health if swallowed. Genorinum grown outdoors will thrive best if the soil is mulched with a 2-inch layer of organic matter. This way you will retain moisture and avoid weeds. Cut the flowers so that they do not form seeds. Thanks to this, flowering will be more abundant. If the flower is grown indoors, then ensure that the room is well ventilated.

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