Dizigoteka graceful and her photo

HomeAll flowers that start with DDizigoteka graceful and her photo

The genus Dizygotheca (Dizygotheca) belongs to the Araliaceae family, is represented by evergreens, shrubs and stunted trees that are common on the Pacific Islands, from New Caledonia to Polynesia. The genus name comes from the Greek words dis (“two”), zygos (“bundle”), theka (“pollen nest”): the anthers of the dizygotheca flower have double pollen nests.

In room culture, only one species is bred – the most elegant dizigoteka (Dizygoteca elegantissima) – an elegant plant with palmately dissected leaves and dark green, almost black leaves serrated along the edges.

As can be seen in the photo of the graceful dizigoteka, the leaves of the plant sit on long (up to 40 cm) petioles with thickenings at the base, a reddish apex and midrib (especially in young specimens).

Blooms rarely. The flowers are small, inconspicuous, collected in apical multi-flowered umbellate inflorescences. It grows slowly, but over time it can reach a height of 2 m. The copper-red shade of the leaves becomes dark green over the years. The plant is poisonous!

Dizigoteka care at home

For the plant, choose a bright, draft-protected place, but not in direct sunlight. Throughout the year, it is kept at room temperature, which even in winter should not be lower than 18 ° C, and the soil is even warmer. At lower soil temperatures, the plant dies. If dizigoteka hibernates at temperatures above 18 ° C, it is advisable to use additional lighting. Caring for digotheca at home allows you to take adult specimens into the air, to a place well protected from the wind.

Water dizigoteka in the spring-summer period abundantly, after the top layer of the substrate dries, with soft settled water. Do not allow overdrying of an earthy coma, the plant can shed its leaves. In winter, watering is limited. In all periods, excessive watering and acidification of the soil are very dangerous for the plant. The temperature of the soil should not be lower than the air temperature, so it is necessary to water with water at room temperature.

Dizigoteka prefers high humidity, needs regular spraying with settled soft water at room temperature. A container with a plant can be placed on a pallet with wet expanded clay or moss. An increase in air humidity is especially necessary for plants wintering at high temperatures.

Transplanted once every two years, using a slightly acidic (pH 6.5) soil mixture consisting of sod, leaf soil and sand (1: 0.5: 1). Feed in spring and summer once every two weeks with mineral and organic fertilizers.

Reproduction of dizigoteka

I propagate the plant by apical cuttings, less often by seeds. Before planting, the cuttings are treated with root formation stimulants and planted in a mixture of peat and sand (1: 1). Place a container with cuttings on the lower heating.

When propagating dizigoteka, it is necessary to maintain the temperature within 20-22 ° C. The plant is covered with a transparent cap and provide diffused lighting. Periodically spray and ventilate the container with the cuttings. After the cuttings take root, they are kept at a temperature of 18-20°C. When young plants will braid the entire earthen ball with their roots, they are transplanted into pots 7-9 cm in diameter and kept in a well-lit place.

Seeds are sown in January-February. Use the following composition of the earth mixture: sod, leaf earth, sand (1: 0.5: 1). Seeds are soaked in warm water with the addition of “Epin-Extra” or “Zircon”. The seeding depth is equal to two seed sizes. The substrate is watered or moistened with a spray bottle and placed in a warm place. Maintain the temperature within 20-22°C. Periodically spray and ventilate the seed container. Seedlings dive into pots (the composition of the earth is the same) when two or three leaves appear, and keep the first three months at a temperature of 18-20 ° C. In summer, shade from the sun, often sprayed and watered abundantly.

Most often, the dizigoteka flower is affected by thrips, spider mites and scale insects. With improper care sheds leaves.

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