HomeAll flowers that start with F

All flowers that start with F

Fatshedera: types and varieties, care and reproduction

Fatshedera (Fatshedera) - a plant of the Araliaceae family. This is a garden form obtained as a result of hybridization between Japanese Fatsia and...

Fescue: characteristics of species, how to plant and grow

The fescue plant is an indispensable garden crop that helps not only decorate the site without much hassle and effort, but also allows even...

Fireweed flowers and its types with a photo

Fireweed (Epilobium) is a genus of herbaceous and semi-shrub plants of the fireweed family (Onagraceae), common in the temperate and cold zones of both...

Fittonia home flower

The fittonia flower can easily be attributed to indoor shrubs, since in the process of growth its shoots become woody and become like bush...

Flax: types, cultivation and care in the garden

Flax or linaria (lat. Linaria) is an annual or perennial ornamental plant belonging to the Plantain family since 2013. Until that time, he was...

Forget-me-not (Forget-me-Not) alpine, forest, swamp and other species

Plant type: perennial. Origin: Europe. Growing environment: garden, greenhouse, home conditions. Leaf ornament: no. The foliage of the flower is pubescent, the length of...

Forsythia is an ornamental flowering shrub.

Having grown an ornamental forsythia shrub on your site, you can enjoy a bright “golden fountain” of sunny yellow flowers strewn with fragile, long...

Freesia (Freesia) hybrid, terry: flower care and cultivation

Plant type: perennial. Description: This group consists of 19 graceful, deciduous perennial corms. They belong to the iris family, and in the spring they form...

Fritillary flowers: types and varieties, cultivation in the open field

Fritillary flowers are perennial bulbous plants that are widespread in the gardens of the middle lane. A huge number of species and varieties of...

Fuchsia (Fuchsia): varieties and care for them

Plant type: shrub. Description: These graceful plants are ideal for growing indoors, greenhouses, containers and beds. In regions where fuchsias can grow in the garden,...

Indoor Ficuses

Indoor ficuses have long been used for landscaping interiors. These are unpretentious plants that can withstand shading, and are not particularly demanding on the...

Japanese Fatsia plant

The genus Fatsia is a monotypic genus from the Araliaceae family. Fatsia is native to Japan. In a room culture, a single species is...
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Wednesday, November 8, 2023
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