Canna home: varieties and care

HomeFor apartment and officeCanna home: varieties and care

Canna is a bulbous plant with a long stem and large bright flowers, intended for planting in the garden. However, many lovers of this crop grow it indoors in a tub or pot. For planting cannes in the house, you should choose suitable low-growing varieties and species that fit in a room, on a terrace, loggia or winter garden.

Canna breeding at home

Domestic cannes are propagated by seeds. Cannes are propagated at home in late February – early March. Since the seeds of this plant have a rather dense shell, they are stratified before planting, that is, they are placed for a day in a growth stimulator solution, for example, Epin. Stratified seeds are planted in small containers filled with light, loose, breathable soil. A peat substrate for seedlings mixed with sand in a ratio of 2: 1 is well suited. Each seed is recommended to be planted in a separate pot at a depth of 0. 5 – 1 cm. With a deeper landing, they will not sprout, or they will sprout for a very long time. It is enough to press the seed into moistened soil or leave it on the surface, covering the pot with plastic wrap to create a “greenhouse”. Place the seed container in a warm, sunny place.

The soil must be watered as the top layer dries. Shoots will appear in 10 – 14 days. The film can be removed after the appearance of the first sheet.

Further, it will be necessary to carry out proper care for seedlings and provide favorable conditions for their growth and development. Seedlings should be watered regularly, fed with mineral complex fertilizers and sprayed periodically. With proper care, by the end of May they will stretch up to 20 cm, and 4 leaves will be formed on each of them. The grown plants can be put in the garden, and when the threat of return frosts has passed, they can be planted in the ground. Over the summer, the flowers will get stronger and by autumn they will grow to 40 – 50 cm, while the leaves will be the same as in adults. In autumn, you need to divide the plant, since over the summer many growths form on it and the bushes increase by 2-3, sometimes 4 times.

In autumn, you need to divide the plant, since over the summer many growths form on it and the bushes increase by 2-3, sometimes 4 times. In addition, with the seed method of reproduction, the probability of damage to flowers by various diseases is significantly reduced or completely eliminated. In addition, with the seed method of reproduction, the probability of damage to flowers by various diseases is significantly reduced or completely eliminated. With the onset of cold weather, the bush is dug up together with an earthen clod, transplanted into a tub or a large pot with a diameter of 40–50 cm, brought into the room, then it will continue to bloom.

Canna flower care at home

Canna care at home is somewhat easier than in the garden, as frequent spraying is not required (only with dry indoor air and intense heat), you do not have to fight weeds and loosen the soil. The pot or tub should be kept in a well-lit place, watered with settled water at room temperature, periodically wipe the leaves with a damp cloth.

The pot or tub should be kept in a well-lit place, watered with settled water at room temperature, periodically wipe the leaves with a damp cloth. At this time, the number of waterings is reduced or stopped altogether.

The flower grower needs to cut the leaves at a height of 10 – 15 cm from the base and place the pot in a cool place where the temperature will be 6 – 10 ° C. In the spring, you can plant flowers in the garden (as mentioned above) or leave them at home.

Varieties of home flower canna

For indoor cultivation, low-growing varieties and types of home canna are suitable. These are, first of all, species cannes Crozi, the length of the stem of which reaches 60 – 160 cm, and large flowers outwardly resemble gladioli. Leaf plates are dark green or purple-bronze, with a white coating on the surface.

The varieties of this species include the following:

“Livadia” – flowers reaching no more than 1 m in height. Inflorescences are red-crimson, with a diameter of 25 cm, the leaves are large, purple. Flowering occurs in July.

“America” – the flowers of this variety grow up to 1.2 – 1.4 m. The inflorescences are purple-red, 10 – 12 cm in diameter, the leaves are purple. Flowering occurs in the first decade of July.

“President” – flowers up to 1 m high. Red inflorescences, 15 cm in diameter. Green leaves. Flowering in July.

Orchid cannes are also suitable for growing indoors. Flowers of this species have large inflorescences up to 21 cm in diameter with corrugated edges, as well as bright green or purple-green leaves. The stem reaches 1 – 2 m in height.

Popular orchid varieties:

“Richard Wallace” – flowers growing up to 1 m in height. Popular orchid varieties: The length of the inflorescences is 20 – 25 cm. The leaves are green. Flowering in early – mid-July.

“Suevia” – flowers up to 1 m high. Lemon-colored inflorescences, 12–15 cm in diameter. Leaves are rich green. Flowering in the second decade of July.

“Andenken an Pfitzer” – height 1.1 – 1. Flowering in the second decade of July.

Flowering in the second decade of July. Some of them are described below.

“Cleopatra” is a low-growing variety with large yellow inflorescences and red strokes on the petals. The leaves are dark green, with bronze and red stripes. Plant height reaches 80 cm. This variety is ideal for container plantings.

Variety “Golden Lucifer” – a flower 50 – 60 cm high. The inflorescence is light yellow, with numerous red dots on the petals. Leaves green.

“Orange Magic” – the height of a bush of an adult plant of this variety reaches no more than 70 cm. The inflorescence is fiery orange, with a yellow throat, 7 cm in diameter.

“Mrs. Oklahoma” – reaches 1 m in height. Crimson inflorescence with a yellow blotch in the middle.

“Kanna Confetti” – flowers 80 cm high. Inflorescences are yellow, with brown patches.

In addition to the above, home canna is very popular:

In addition to the above, home canna is very popular:

“Orange Punch”


“Madame Angela Martin”


“Bengal tiger”



“Crimean Dawns”

“Köning Gumberg” .

“Crimean Dawns”

When growing cannes in the house, you need to consider that a small pot is better for it, since in a large container the roots can rot from waterlogging. This culture is developing rapidly, so it will need to be transplanted annually into a pot with a diameter slightly larger than the previous one. The canna house flower tolerates transplanting well at any stage of growth, provided there is sufficient watering.

The inflorescence begins to bloom from the bottom of the stem, gradually rising up. Over time, the next flowers grow, which soon bloom. When growing cannes at home, in order to preserve the decorative effect of the bush, it is necessary to remove dry inflorescences in a timely manner. Many canna varieties shed their wilted petals after flowering, so care is minimal.

Canna at home rarely gets sick, but sometimes its leaves and buds begin to turn black, and a white coating appears on the leaf plates. The reason for this may be a bacterial disease (bacteriosis) caused by excess moisture in the soil. Affected flowers cannot be cured. To prevent bacteriosis, you need to water the plant as the earthen clod dries, but do not allow it to dry out.

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