Begonias: a genus of perennial plants

HomeAll flowers that start with BBegonias: a genus of perennial plants

Plant type: perennial.

Description: Begonias are a genus of perennial plants belonging to the Begonia family. Their leaves can have a variety of patterns. Some varieties have soft hairs on the foliage and appear velvety. Begonia, called angel-wing (angel wings) in honor of the shape of its long, narrow, bronze (covered with white spots as it matures) foliage, has a height of up to 60 centimeters. Flowers form hanging groups of dark pink color (diameter – up to three centimeters). The fruit, as a rule, is a box with a large number of small seeds.

  • Origin: artificially bred species.
  • Growing environment: indoor or greenhouse.
  • Leaf ornament: present.
  • Flowering: present. If flowering falls on a dry, hot period, then the plant is likely to lack moisture, flowers and buds may fall off, and leaves lose their decorative effect. In this case, the begonia needs to be watered more abundantly.
  • Aroma: yes.
  • Care: Careful care is required.
  • Temperature range: 10-24°C.
  • Humidity level: moderate.
  • Lighting Needs: It is best to position the plant in bright, indirect sunlight coming from the south/east/west.

Soil type: a mixture of leafy and soddy soil mixed with sand is used. If you yourself want to choose the composition of the soil, then the following ratio will be most suitable: 2 parts garden soil , 2 parts humus , 1 part perlite or coarse sand, 1 part peat , 1 part washed aquarium coal shavings and fir bark can be added for the best effect. The pot used must be with a hole.

Watering: The soil should be kept evenly moist and warm water should be used. Begonia should not be in the water for a long time.

Fertilization: Fertilize every two weeks, except during the flowering period. Water-soluble fertilizer should be diluted in half and ensure that it does not contain lime.

Harmful insects: there is a tendency to spider mites, plant aphids and mealy worms. If abundant watering with cold water is used, then the begonia is affected by gray rot. When purchasing a plant, always carefully inspect it for pests.

A photo

Propagation: cuttings, planting seeds or cutting leaves at any time of the year. If you decide to propagate begonia using seeds, the best time for sowing is February-March . Begonia seeds are not sprinkled with earth, as they are very small. Crops are placed on the windowsill and covered with glass, and watering is carried out either with a spray gun or from the windowsill. The temperature regime should be observed at the level of 20 ° -25 ° С. Seedlings should be dived twice (during the appearance of the third leaflet and after 6-8 weeks), transplanting sparsely into small boxes, and then into pots. When applying any propagation method, it is best to use soil mixed with moist peat or perlite. You can also cover the pot with plastic wrap with an elastic band around its perimeter to prevent excessive evaporation of moisture. Place the pot under fluorescent light or indirect sunlight. After the begonia sprouts a little, transplant it into the soil of the usual composition.

Care tips and tricks: Place pebbles or gravel in a gutter saucer to retain water and increase moisture, but make sure the pot is directly in the gravel and not in water and always use a pot with a drain hole. Pollinate the plant from time to time with warm water (lime-free to prevent rusting of the foliage). If possible, in the summer season, take the begonia outside in shade conditions.

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