Wall of flowers

HomeGarden FlowersWall of flowers

Surely, at least once you dreamed that the walls of your country house were decorated with a vertical curtain of fresh flowers! Maybe just for aesthetic purposes, or maybe in order to mask some of the flaws in the finish. This very popular way to ennoble buildings has been known for a long time and has been successfully applied in practice by many summer residents and gardeners. For these purposes, there are many types of creeping and climbing flowers and plants. Let’s get acquainted with a beautiful couple – clematis and climbing rose!

Wall of flowers in the photo


Or, as it is also called, clematis. It is a climbing plant of the ranunculaceae family, with large flowers of a wide variety of colors. What you need to know to grow a stunning clematis wall. Firstly, the plant grows on almost all types of soil, excluding clay. Secondly, it does not tolerate drought, which means that the soil must be regularly moistened. Considering that the plant does not really like the bright sun, it should be placed on the side where the sun appears least of all – from the southeast or southwest side of the house. In order to form a beautiful wall, the plant is tied up with twine, but basically clematis copes with this task by itself with the help of petioles on the leaves. Clematis does not tolerate cold weather, therefore, with the onset of low temperatures at the base of the shoot, you need to make a small hill of compost, peat, a mixture of earth and leaves. If the plant freezes, just cut it off – in spring, clematis will again delight you with lush greenery and beautiful flowers.

climbing rose

In beauty, it is in no way inferior to its bush sister. This plant is very often used in phytodesign, it is distinguished by a large number of flowers on a fairly long shoot. A wide range of colors, a variety of shapes and a wonderful aroma will make your home look like a fairy tale! Of course, a rose is a very capricious plant that requires great attention and constant care! This charm loves fertile soil, timely watering and fertilizer. It does not tolerate cold very well, it feels best on the sunniest wall of the house.

These beautiful plants are designed to decorate not only your home, but also your life! How beautiful the living wall looks with hundreds of beautiful flowers, how pleasant it is to sit on warm summer evenings near the fragrant bushes. When the whole family is gathered in the courtyard of such a house, it is not even necessary to come up with a reason for the holiday. If you are going to visit your parents for the weekend, who so diligently brought beauty, be sure to grab small nice presents for them. They will be pleased with your attention and care, which are sometimes very lacking!

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