Red callas: photo and description

HomeCallasRed callas: photo and description

Red callas are the flowers of passion. Symbols of love and attraction, are the perfect gift for someone you love. Elegant, sophisticated, they have some kind of attraction that makes you look, not taking your eyes off, both in a bouquet and standing in a vase at home. They are the perfect creation of nature, the personification of everything chic and attractive! Even in the photo, red callas amaze your imagination with their elegance.

  • Kingdom: plants.
  • Genus: calla .
  • Type: angiosperms.
  • Squad: chastuhotsvetnye.
  • Class: dicot.
  • Family: Araceae.
  • Origin: South Africa. The flower was brought to America and Europe in the middle of the 19th century.
  • Height: 0.4-1 meter.
  • Leaves: dark green, heart-shaped.
  • Flowering period: until mid-summer.
  • Dormant period: storage of tubers in a cool place (in a dug out state).

Look at the red callas in the photo – enjoy the magnificence

The following species and varieties belong to red callas:

Majestic Red (Majestic Red) .

Red ambers (Red Embers) .

Red Sox (Red Sox) .

Rubylight Rose (Rubylite Rose) .

Sunglow .

We grow red callas in the garden: care and subtleties

Red calla flowers should be planted in spring, in warm, fertilizer-rich and moist soil, always in a sunny place. You have to water them constantly in order for them to grow properly. It is necessary to feed the flower once every three weeks, since not all soils are similar to their native (South African), then you should bring this as close as possible. This is the whole care of red callas in the garden.

Place flower beds with white roses nearby, and your garden will look like a fairy tale.

Flower care red callas

What is really important in the process of growing red calla is to constantly keep the soil moist, but under no circumstances let the soil dry out – this will lead to the death of the flower.

Tips on how to save red kala flowers after cutting

Cut flowers should be stored in fresh water and always in a clean vase. The water they are in should be neither too cold nor too warm – room temperature water is ideal. Cut flowers should be stored in a cool place, away from direct sunlight, which will cause them to wilt suddenly.

Cut flowers of red calla lilies in the photo.

Red kala flowers dominate people’s feelings. Their message to people is extremely clear: LOVE! They distribute it in all their shades, and bouquets of different shapes are designed for different types of events. These are bright, flashy, presentable flowers that will help you express your feelings every time you can’t find the words!

What is the meaning of red callas?

Red callas carried their meaning through the centuries. These flowers are a symbol of love. When you think of red callas, you should immediately associate them with desire and attraction. They are given on Valentine’s Day to show affection.

In addition, they are a symbol of righteousness, vanity and courage.

The use of red calla lilies

Red calla flowers are often used on holidays that fall on the winter holidays – the color coincides with the symbolic color of Christmas. Placed in baskets located on pallets or in classic vases. They fill the room with warmth and love.

The shades of red are so diverse that you can pick up absolutely any that suits you: from pale (almost pink) to burgundy red. Since they are considered quite eye-catching and catchy flowers, they are often combined with flowers such as orchids, freesias or lisianthus.

You can use purples , whites, and yellows to pair with red, and you’ll get an amazing contrast that will make your calla lilies really stand out.

Bouquets of red kala flowers

Bouquets of red kala flowers are very popular in the preparation of wedding bouquets. Don’t be afraid to use red – it’s a great option for a wedding.

However, if you don’t want a bouquet of red flowers, mix them with white roses, white lilies or orchids , add some white pearls to the petals or leaves, and tie the bouquet with an organza ribbon. Then you will have a gem rather than just a bouquet.

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