Perennial nivyanik: photo and description of flowers

HomeAll flowers that start with NPerennial nivyanik: photo and description of flowers

If you ask for a description of leucanthemum, many will unequivocally state that this plant is very similar to chamomile. Others will argue that the perennial daisy resembles an aster. Still others will unequivocally answer the question “what does a nivyanik look like” that it is not at all distinguishable from a luxurious chrysanthemum . And all because everyone describes different types of leucanthemum – which, indeed, have a resemblance to all of the above colors.

What do the types of cornflower look like?

Here you can see photos and read descriptions of various types of cornflower.

This plant is a member of the Compositae family. Its main feature is complex inflorescences-baskets, consisting of two types of flowers – reed (along the edge of the inflorescence) and tubular (the central part of the inflorescence).

Nivyanik propagates by seeds and division of bushes, which must be carried out in the spring. Autumn plantings can be subject to both freezing and damping. Seedlings bloom in the second year. The distance between plants is 30 cm. Abundant watering is needed before establishment. In one place they can grow and retain decorativeness for no more than 4 years, after which the plantings must be rejuvenated.

Look at the photo of flowers – leucanthemum is an indispensable plant for decorating a garden and bouquets, for growing in a single and group planting in the middle tier of mixborders:

The magnificent leucanthemum is a common perennial plant up to 100 cm high, with large flowers (up to 10 cm) of white color. Used in flower beds and cut flowers. It has varieties with double inflorescences.

Nivyanik white.Tall (up to 70 cm) perennial plant with relatively large white flowers. Basket diameter 8-10 cm. Flowers radiant, 2-3 per stem. Leaves basal, pawled, sessile. The stems are strong and hollow inside. This type of cornflower blooms from June to August. It is used as cut material and in flower beds .

Large-flowered leucanthemum is a tall perennial plant up to 80 cm in height. Differs in remontant flowering. The first flowering in June-July, the second – in August-September.

All types of leucanthemum are distinguished by light-loving. The slightest shading negatively affects the quality of the flowers. Moisture-loving and love fertile, cultivated soils. When planting, organic fertilizers are recommended. The root system of chamomile is very voluminous and absorbs a large amount of nutrients, which determines the high need for them.

Varieties and hybrids of cornflower (with photo)

Of particular interest is the new hybrid “White King” F1 . Blooms a maximum of three months from sowing, already in July of the first year of cultivation. Large, pure white flowers (up to 8 cm in diameter) completely cover compact, only 35-30 cm high, plants with dark green leaves. Incredibly long flowering: from late spring to late autumn!

“Crazy Daisy”. A delightfully beautiful plant on tall stems (60-80 cm high) with chic large terry inflorescences – baskets with a diameter of 7-10 cm. flowers in the center. Chamomile stands well as a cut flower, it is planted in groups, like solitary plants in flower beds and lawns, in mixborders and on discounts.

Sunny Side Up. Notched petal tips.

As you can see in the photo, this variety of cornflower is perfect in shape – the petals are wide, arranged in two rows, the tips are perfectly rounded.

The center of the flower is large, yellow. At the base of the petals are a few small white ones. Like most leefflowers, it blooms in late spring – early summer. Prefers sunny, moderately rich, moist, well-drained soils. It doesn’t grow quickly.

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