Peperomia flower room

The peperomia flower is a rather rare culture on the windowsills of our, domestic flower growers. However, indoor peperomia is completely undeservedly deprived of attention, since it has unpretentiousness to growing conditions and excellent decorative properties. We have prepared for you a material that tells about the rules for breeding and caring for peperomia at home, right there you will find a description of the species with their colorful photos.

Peperomia plant: description and photo

The genus Peperomia belongs to the Pepper family, distributed mainly in Tropical America. The name of the plant peperomia comes from the Greek words peperi (“pepper”) and omos (“same”, “similar”) – in resemblance to pepper. In culture, there are bushy, erect and ampelous species, which are distinguished by a large number of shapes, sizes and color of the leaves. This is a fairly brief general description of peperomia, you can find more detailed information in the characteristics of various types.

You can also see all the decorative properties of peperomia in the photo.

Types of peperomia

Choosing the types of peperomia suitable for room culture is not as easy as it seems at first glance due to their wide variety. Therefore, carefully read the descriptions of the varieties below and select the one that will not be difficult for you to grow.

Peperomia obtusifolia (Peperomia obtusifolia) is very similar to the previous species, with which it is often confused. The main difference is in the structure of the inflorescence and fruits. The leaves are about 10-12 cm long, dark green or variegated. In this species, they are more rounded, and the plant itself is often less leafy than magnolia-leaved peperomia.

Peperomia shriveled (Peperomia caperata) – undersized (no more than 10 cm high) plant. Strongly contiguous wrinkled leaves form a kind of rosettes. The leaf blade is dark green with a chocolate brown tinge along the bottom of the grooves. Beautiful blooming look. Long thin spikes of snow-white color. Blooms in summer.

Silver peperomia (Peperomia argyreia) is a small plant with a shortened stem, on which several leaves on long petioles form a kind of twisted rosette. The leaves are ovoid, about 7-9 cm long, pointed at the top. Painted leaf: dark green stripes on the central veins, and silvery between them.

Peperomia clousieleaf

Peperomia clusiifolia (Peperomia clusiifolia) is a large plant with ascending thick fleshy stems. Peperomia clousieleaf They are fleshy, matte, dark green with a reddish tint and a dark purple narrow border around the edge.

In room culture, the garden form Variegata is well known – with dark green leaves along the midrib with light green blotches, then milky white or yellowish with a reddish tinge and a bright purple border along the edge towards the periphery. There are variegated forms of yellowish or reddish hues.

Interesting Peperomia magnoliaefolia (Peperomia magnoliaefolia) with abundantly branching erect fleshy reddish stems rooting at the lower nodes. Leaves with short petioles, rounded, thick, leathery, green, shiny. Known garden form Variegata with irregular white and yellow spots on the leaves.

Growing conditions

Keep at a temperature not lower than 18-20 ° C in a bright place, but protected from direct sunlight. Plants do not tolerate drafts, they are not recommended to be taken out into fresh air. It is impossible to supercool the root system of Peperomia, the temperature of the substrate should not be lower than 17-20 ° C.

Peperomia care at home

Water regularly, moderately in spring and summer, rarely in winter when the soil is thoroughly dry. In the summer, when caring for peperomia at home, from time to time the leaves are sprayed using water at room temperature. Feed during the period of active growth (from March to August) once every two weeks with liquid fertilizer for indoor plants.

Transplanted once every two years or as needed when the plant slows down growth and roots appear from the drainage hole of the pot. The soil mixture is prepared from leafy soil, humus, peat and sand (2: 1: 1: 1). Good drainage is a must.


Bushy forms of Peperomia are propagated by leaf cuttings, while erect and ampelous forms are propagated by stem cuttings.

Diseases and pests

Plants damage spider mites, thrips, and mealybugs. Root and root collar rot is the result of various fungal infections that manifest themselves with excessive soil compaction or excessive moisture. Peperomia is also susceptible to a virus that causes dwarfism. Such plants must be removed to avoid contamination of healthy specimens with the virus.

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