Nirembergia: types and varieties, care tips

HomeAll flowers that start with NNirembergia: types and varieties, care tips

Nirembergia (lat. Nierembergia) is a herbaceous plant or shrub of the Solanaceae family. The genus includes about 25 species, most of which naturally grow in the tropics and subtropics. Most often, the cultivation of nirembergia from seeds is practiced – first, seedlings are sown, and then the sprouts are planted in the ground.


Nirembergiahas erect or creeping stems, depending on the variety, densely covered with alternately arranged leaves. Leaf blades are sessile or short-petiolate, pointed at the top, bright green.

The flowers are wide open, cup-shaped or funnel-shaped, with blue, lilac or white petals and a yellowish throat. This culture begins to bloom from the first summer days until the end of August. After the petals wither, the fruits remain on the plant – two-leaved multi-seeded boxes. The germination of the seed of this plant is preserved with proper storage for 3 years or more.

Species and varieties

The following describes the types of nirembergia and their varieties, most often grown in household plots:

Nyrembergia thin (Nierembergia gracilis). The bush has a compact size, has thin stems 15–20 cm long. The flowers are bell-shaped, snow-white in color, with purple longitudinal veins and an amber center.

Nyrembergia blue (Nierembergia coerulea). A bush with thin shoots branching to the sides, 15–25 cm high. The leaves are short-leaved, linear, rich green, 7–8 cm long. In June, cup-shaped buds of a pale blue color scheme bloom on the plant. A pharynx of a light green tint. The diameter of the flowers is 3 cm. The diameter of the overgrown bush reaches 30 cm.


Shining Crystal” – a plant with lodging branched shoots up to 25 cm long. Funnel-shaped buds, when opened, reach 2.5 cm in diameter. The color of the petals is boiling white, the central part is lemon yellow.

Violet Queen” – a plant with expressive purple buds.

Mont Blanc” is a compact bush with shoots 12–15 cm long. Strongly branching creeping stems create a lush carpet with a diameter of 20–30 cm on the site. The leaves are elliptical, with teeth along the edge, dark green.

Look at the photo – the flowers of this variety of nirembergia are cup-shaped, white, with an intense yellow throat:

Ruby” is an expressive variety with thin branching stems up to 35 cm long. The flowers are wide open, with regular-shaped petals, bright pink color scheme.

White Robe” is a low lush bush with creeping stems and buds of snow-white or purple color.

Nyrembergia rod-shaped (Nierembergia scoparia). It is a compact plant up to 20 cm high, up to 35 cm in diameter. It consists of many thin branching stems covered with lanceolate bright green foliage. The buds are lilac, with longitudinal purple veins. The central part is greenish-yellow.

Nyrembergia shrub (Nierembergia frutescens). This species has long stems. The bush reaches 70 – 80 cm. The flowers are funnel-shaped, wide open, 3 cm in diameter, pale blue with a yellow throat.

Nierembergia hippomanica (Nierembergia hippomanica).Bush with ascending strongly branched stems. The leaves are lanceolate, with teeth along the edge, have a slight pubescence on the surface. The buds are white or purple.

Nierembergia creeping (Nierembergia repens). It is a ground cover plant with creeping stems 25–35 cm long. The color of the flowers is varied, depending on the cultivar, with a predominance of white and blue tones.

Growing from seed

The seed method of reproduction gives excellent results. Seeds are sown for seedlings with the onset of spring. For their germination suitable soil for flowering crops. Planting is carried out in small containers filled with soil by 2/3. Seeds are evenly scattered on the surface of the earth, sprinkled with soil on top with a layer of 1 cm.

Crops are irrigated with a sprayer. After that, the containers are covered with polyethylene and removed for germination in a warm place. During germination, crops are cared for in the form of watering and airing, which should be carried out daily for 2 to 4 hours.

After the sprouts hatch, the shelter is removed, they continue to care for the seedlings. When the plants form a pair of leaf plates, they are transplanted into separate pots. In order for the seedlings to successfully take root after transplantation, top dressing is applied, which is used as a mineral complex.

Landing in the ground

Transplantation of grown plants to the site is carried out after warm fine days are established and the risk of frost returning is excluded. In central Russia, this work is done in the last days of spring. In southern latitudes, landing is carried out in April.

To grow this crop in the garden, choose a suitable place, taking into account its needs. The soil should be loose, with neutral acidity and good drainage. Before planting, make a hole, put fertilizer on the bottom.

When planting nirembergia in the garden, a distance of 40–50 cm is left between the holes for ease of care, and such a distance will not allow overgrown bushes to interfere with each other. Seedlings are removed from the pot along with an earthen clod, carefully so as not to injure the fragile roots of the plants.

After planting, the hole is covered with soil, its surface is compacted and watered.


  • Location. In order for the bush to bloom luxuriantly and profusely, you should choose areas for it where it will receive enough sunlight. Semi-shaded places are also suitable for growing this crop. In the shade, the plant weakly forms buds. Lighting does not affect greenery.
  • Watering. The main thing when breeding nirembergia is to follow the rules of watering and prevent waterlogging of the soil. Excess moisture leads to rotting of the roots, and insufficient watering, especially in extreme heat and drought, negatively affects flowering. Usually it is enough to irrigate the plant 2 times in 7 days, but on hot days it is necessary to carry out water procedures every other day or daily. It is better to water the bushes in the evening, when the intense heat subsides. Moisture on the leaves during the midday hours can cause them to burn.
  • Topdressing. Mineral complexes are applied 3 times per season, diluted in water. This work is carried out during irrigation. Fertilizers promote violent growth of foliage and active flowering.
  • Diseases and pests. Nirembergia is a disease and pest resistant flower. Sometimes it is attacked by whiteflies and aphids. Having found a harmful insect, the bush should be treated with chemicals.

Application in the garden

Nirembergia is a beautiful plant that has its own special place in the flower garden. It is used to create a variety of flower arrangements, design flower beds. Plant low bushes along curbs and garden paths.

Varieties with long creeping shoots are placed horizontally on the site, so it is possible to create lush carpets to decorate empty areas. This culture is often planted in flowerpots and flowerpots, used to decorate loggias, balconies, arbors in the garden. Low-growing varieties are used to decorate rock gardens.

Before the onset of cold weather, many flower growers dig up a flower and transplant it into a pot for keeping in an apartment until spring. In addition, Nuremberg is grown as a houseplant.

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