Flowers ageratum annuals and perennials

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Ageratum (Ageratum) – a plant that grows mainly in tropical and subtropical climates. Ageratum flowers got their name from the Latin word ageratos – ageless. The family has about 60 species, the most common name often used by gardeners is “Long Flower”.

  • Family: Asteraceae.
  • Homeland: America.
  • Rhizome: powerful, branched.
  • Stem: branching, numerous, erect or ascending up to 60 cm in length, densely pubescent with hairs.
  • Leaves: rounded, heart-shaped, rhombic, triangular, pubescent with hairs.
  • Fruit: small wedge-shaped achene with a tuft and five faces.
  • Reproductive ability: cuttings and seeds.
  • Illumination: light-loving.
  • Watering: preferably moderate moisture, during the heat period moderate, but regular.
  • Content temperature: in summer + 20-25˚, in winter in the greenhouse – 16-18˚
  • Flowering time: from late May to late September.

Description of ageratum: plant height, color and leaf shape

Ageratum is a perennial plant in nature, brought to Europe from Mexico in 1822. Natural habitats are Central and North America, East India.

Garden crops can be biennials or annuals.

On the territory of Russia, annuals of ageratum are cultivated in open ground, since the flower is very sensitive to frost and is quickly damaged at temperatures below zero degrees.

The flower is not able to winter in open ground.

However, perennial ageratum can be grown in greenhouses and conservatories , with planting in open ground for the summer.

You can see a photo of the ageratum in the flower beds below:

Depending on the variety, the height of the ageratum plant varies from 15 to 60 centimeters. In addition, plants differ in the color of the inflorescences and the timing of their flowering, the most common are blue and turquoise shades.

In gardens, it is grown for the sake of fluffy flowers, reminiscent of pompoms in their shape.

The ageratum plant is unpretentious in care and cultivation .

The leaves, depending on the variety, at different heights of the ageratum, can have a rounded, heart-shaped, rhombic or triangular shape.

The color of the leaves is dark green or juicy green, there are teeth along the edges of the leaves, the stems are abundantly pubescent.

The arrangement of leaves on the plant is opposite, the upper leaves are sessile, alternate, and the lower and middle ones are opposite, located on petioles.

Ageratum flowering time and its seeds (with photo)

In order for the time of flowering of ageratum to come in a timely manner and last until autumn, it must be grown on soil rich in organic matter.

Ageratum flowers, photos and descriptions of which are given below, have a pleasant aroma.

The flowers are small, narrow-tubular, the style and stigma are twice as long as the corolla, so the flowers look very attractive.

Ageratum flowers, the photo of which is presented below, are collected in inflorescences with a diameter reaching 10-15 mm.

During the flowering period of the ageratum, the leaves of the plant are almost invisible, only fluffy pompons are visible.

The plant reproduces in two ways: vegetative and seed.

Ageratum seeds, the photo of which is given below, are sown at the end of March, seedlings are planted in June.

Care consists in timely weeding, loosening and top dressing.

Watering is carried out only when the soil is very dry.

The flower loves warmth and is drought tolerant, so it needs moderate watering.

When planting in the ground, it must be borne in mind that even slight cold can spoil young shoots.

Therefore, it is recommended to plant them in a flower bed only after the time of return spring frosts has passed.

Seeds ripen within 3-5 days after flowering. When the inflorescences turned brown, you can start collecting.

To keep the bush beautiful for as long as possible, wilted flowers are cut off along with the tops of the shoots.

After some time, the plant recovers and begins to bloom again.

Use of perennial cut ageratum

Perennial ageratum is widely used in landscaping mixborders and on discounts, in flower beds and in group plantings.

Low varieties of plants grow well on the balcony in a box or pot , as well as in outdoor flowerpots.

Growing high varieties of plants allows you to get excellent cut material.

Therefore, cut ageratum is used to make floral arrangements .

Flowers will remain fresh and attractive in water for a long time if pruning occurs at the very beginning of their flowering.

The voluminous and fluffy bushes of this plant perfectly tolerate a haircut.

After it is carried out, the plant quickly recovers and blooms profusely, and the cut branches take root well in the water.

Ageratum, the description and photo of which are given in this article, goes well with calendula , white snapdragon , verbena , orange marigolds , salvia , variegated zinnia, gelenium , rudbeckia and coreopsis .

Planting an ageratum and recommendations for growing

When choosing a place for planting an ageratum, the photo of which is given below, it must be borne in mind that it grows best in areas open to the rays of the sun.

If necessary, the flower can adapt to life in partial shade, but it will grow elongated and become less expressive, and the bush will turn out not so fluffy.

It is important that the area in which it grows is protected from drafts, otherwise the plant will get sick and die.

The plant feels good on different soils, but it blooms best on sandy loam and loam with a non-acidic layer reaction.

But on rocky and too wet areas it feels bad. Manure and humus are best suited as fertilizer .

Ageratum is often damaged by pests and diseases . More often it is attacked by root rot. If the plant is already sick, then it is very difficult to save it. It is easier to take preventive measures in advance.

It is also affected by bacterial wilt and cucumber mosaic, spider mites and whiteflies. Most often, these diseases are the result of improper care and inconsistency of the soil.

Growing recommendations:

  • with the invasion of pests, the use of insecticides is mandatory;
  • landing should be carried out in the most light area;
  • during the heat period, the plant needs regular watering;
  • to extend the flowering period, it is better to grow a flower by seedling;
  • to obtain compact and undersized bushes, you need to grow it from cuttings.

A video of planting an ageratum with recommendations for caring for it can be viewed below:

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