Flower business is a profitable business

HomeCut flowersFlower business is a profitable business

Among the many products offered today, there is a separate niche of the flower business. If you want to bring joy to people, work with delicate, beautiful and fragrant goods, then a flower shop is exactly what you need. But in addition to positive emotions, this kind of activity can also bring good income with its skillful organization. Only the hotel business can “argue” with this kind of business (for example, it is very profitable now to keep mini-hotels on the Volokalamskoe highway, reviews of which are very flattering). The initial investment can vary from eight thousand dollars, depending on the chosen format of the outlet, and the average trading margin for flowers is at least one hundred, and sometimes reaches three hundred percent.

Retail flower business can be presented in such demanded formats as:

  • a small pavilion located in a crowded place;
  • flower studios, which, in addition to selling, are also engaged in flower decoration for celebrations;
  • specialized flower boutiques located on busy streets, in the city center, in shopping centers that sell not only flowers, but also original and unusual gifts;
  • online stores, which are usually a great addition to existing flower outlets.

Flower business in the photo

At the same time, no matter how big your business is, one of the most important moments in its productive life is the place where the point of sale is located. Even a small pavilion, if properly located, can bring in considerable income per day. At the same time, even the largest store can consistently generate losses if it is located in the wrong place.

In addition, flowers are a delicate and perishable commodity, which is why a quick and constant turnover is so important here. So, if you install a flower kiosk near the business center, then it is possible to ensure successful business, because many clerks, hurrying home from work, may think about how to make a gift to their wife or girlfriend and buy a bunch of flowers they like. No less advantageous will be the place next to which there are cheap hotels in Rostov-on-Don or in any other city.

The main category of sales at the flower trade points are cut single flowers, with an assortment of fifteen to twenty positions. And additional profit in any area can be brought by the packaging of the flowers themselves or gifts. If the outlet has a larger area than a small pavilion, then it is advisable to replenish the range of products offered.

Particular attention should be paid to the selection of personnel. It is a friendly, polite and tidy seller is already the key to the success of your business.

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