DIY flower pots

HomeFlorist inventoryDIY flower pots

It is not necessary to buy ready-made planters in the store. You can surprise your household by making it yourself from items available in the house. And do not think that it will be difficult or tiring. Everyone can make a pot with their own hands, besides, it is very easy and simple. We will present you a couple of types of pots with your own hands that anyone can make.

DIY felt pots

If the house has a flowerpot that has an unattractive appearance, then it is easy to turn it into an original and bright product. To do this, you will need multi-colored felt, glue, threads, scissors, beads, buttons and scalloped scissors.

From felt, cut a rectangle according to the size of the selected pot. The top edge is processed with scallop scissors. From the rectangle, you need to sew the base for the cache-pot. Outwardly, it will look like a pot cover. The sides of the fabric can be sewn together right on the flowerpot. Flowers made of felt of a different color are glued on top of this cover. Flowers are decorated with beads. The middle of each flower is decorated with a button.

Do-it-yourself flower pots made of felt are ready. Finding a worthy place for him is as easy as it is easy to adapt barbecue grills for a summer residence.

bamboo planter

A stylish thing is easy to make from bamboo sticks, thin branches, newspaper tubes, burlap and reeds.

In this case, reed sticks will serve as the basis for the product. They need to be cut into equal pieces slightly longer than the height of the pot. The sticks are connected to each other in pairs. After each pair, a knot is made. You need to walk twice – from above and below. The ends of the rope or twine are not cut off, they will still be needed in the work. The pot is covered with burlap. A woven reed is put on top. Now the ends of the twine are tied so that the reed wraps around the surface of the pot. For strength, the ends of the rope can be greased with glue.

Depending on the materials available, do-it-yourself bamboo flower pots can be made from branches, bamboo or newspaper sticks.

Do-it-yourself mosaic planter

To create such a product, you will need glass, stones or pebbles. Plain PVA glue or hot glue, tile grout, varnish and a brush.

If you need to lay out materials in the form of some kind of drawing or pattern, then you need to take multi-colored stones. The drawing is best laid out on paper in advance. Mark the pot itself so as not to be mistaken. At the beginning of work, stones or glass are glued to the surface. If you use hot glue, the process will be greatly accelerated. After the drawing is laid out, it will be possible to create a background. The grout must be thoroughly covered with the entire pot. If any elements fall out, they can be returned to their place after the grout dries. In about a day.

15 minutes after all the grout has been applied, it should be washed off with a damp cloth from stones or glass. And your do-it-yourself mosaic planter is ready.

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