Dandelion (Taraxacum) – cultivation and application

HomeAll flowers that start with DDandelion (Taraxacum) - cultivation and application

Plant type: perennial herbaceous.

  • Homeland: Dandelions have a wide range of habitats, but were predominantly found in Eurasia.
  • Growing environment: greenhouse, garden, home conditions.
  • Care: These plants do not require careful care.
  • Lighting: sunny or partial shade.
  • Humidity level: does not matter.
  • Growth rate: fast.
  • Watering: The most important thing is to let the soil dry out.

Description: it is a universally widespread (with the exception of the white-tongued dandelion, which grows only on the territory of the Turiei Cape) and sometimes harmful perennial weed. Belongs to the aster family. Also, this flower has the name Dandelion, which comes from an ancient French phrase, which means that the characteristic yellow petals of the flower of the plant are similar in appearance to the tooth of a lion (Lion). This plant has a deep, thick, taproot that produces a rosette of long, narrow, serrated, glossy dark green or brownish leaves. A hollow pedicel grows directly from under the root, and each leafless stem forms a single golden yellow flower, on which pollen and nectar appear in large quantities.

White-tongued dandelion in the photo

When a flower reaches its highest beauty, it closes and the dead petals fall off. Subsequently, the seeds ripen and form snow-white “parachutes”, which are then carried by the wind. Botanists have studied about a hundred species of these flowers, most of them from Europe, and almost all of them are difficult to distinguish from each other. Dandelion red seed is known, the seeds of which have a red tint. The dwarf species is much smaller than the others, its height is less than 30 cm , and the flowers are about 1.25 cm wide .

Soil Type: Dandelion, which is easy to grow, grows best in fertile, moist, well-drained, and cool soil.

Landing: the dandelion described above should be planted with seeds, keeping a distance of 10-15 cm between plants.

Reproduction: carried out by planting seeds. In warm climates, they should be grown indoors in peat pots in early spring or late summer.

Usage: Newly emerged leaves, especially blanched ones, can be used in salads either as a whole or in combination with other leaves. You can improve the taste of cut greens: it is recommended to put them in the refrigerator for several days. The plastic bag will reduce the wilting that occurs due to moisture loss. Older leaves are too bitter to eat. Young leaves are also boiled like vegetables. Dandelion greens collected in spring are of particular value. It is very nutritious and contains vitamins A, C, D, and is also rich in potassium, calcium and iron. However, special hybrids have been artificially bred, the leaves of which are slightly larger, and they are not as bitter as the wild species. Even when ripe, they can be added to food. Roots and flowers can also be used during cooking. Remove young roots in early spring, peel and cook like potatoes. The dried roots are roasted and then used as a coffee substitute. By mixing dandelion flowers with sugar and citrus, they make an unusual popular jelly called Cramaillotte. Unopened flower buds can be fried in oil: they taste like mushrooms. Dandelion officinalis, extracts from the milk juice of which make it possible to prepare a strong diuretic, lowers high blood pressure. The latest research has shown that the roots, when specially processed, can have a neutralizing effect on the kidneys and liver. Moreover, synthetic rubber is obtained from the milky latex of plants. Common dandelion, or as it is otherwise called field dandelion, is used as a decoction for diseases of the stomach.

Optional: Don’t let your plants produce many seeds; it is better to cut the flowers, otherwise they will turn into harmful weeds.

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