Crinum flowers

Crinum is a genus of flowering bulbous herbs from the Amaryllis family (Amaryllidaceae), growing in various tropical and subtropical regions. Used as indoor crops, especially hardy ones are grown in gardens as non-wintering perennials.

  • Family: Amaryllis.
  • Homeland: subtropics and tropics of Africa, Asia, America.
  • Rhizome: Bulb with long powerful roots.
  • Stem: missing.
  • Leaves: long, lanceolate or belt-shaped.
  • Fruit: box.
  • Reproductive ability: propagated by babies or seeds.
  • Illumination: bright diffused light, including artificial.
  • Watering: plentiful in summer, moderate in winter.
  • Content temperature: vegetation period 20-25 °C, rest period 10-15 °C
  • Flowering time: July-September.

General information about the krinum flower

Crinum flower in the photo

Crinum (see photo above) is an evergreen tropical plant with a round, light bulb up to 25 cm in diameter covered with large brown scales, the neck of which protrudes from the ground and in many species forms a long, sometimes reaching a height of 60-90 cm, false trunk. Numerous light green leaves grow from the bulbs in the form of closed sheaths, they are wavy along the edge, arcuately hanging, linear-lanceolate or belt-like, unlike other amaryllis, when young, they are not flat, but folded into a tube.

Krinum flowers are funnel-shaped, white, crimson or pink, with a wide mouth, resemble amaryllis or lilies in shape, often have a pleasant aroma. Assembled by 6-10 pcs. in an umbrella inflorescence on a high peduncle growing on the side of the bulb, bloom sequentially one after the other. A single krynum flower lives 4-5 weeks. Although among the numerous representatives of the genus there are small bulbs, usually these are large plants, in some the leaves grow up to one and a half meters, the diameter of the flowers reaches 20 cm, and the height of the peduncles is 1 m.

The fruits are decaying capsules with large green bulb-shaped seeds that can germinate and form a new bulb without water coming from outside, since they contain a sufficient supply of it (up to 32%) in their shell. Under room conditions, seeds are obtained by artificial pollination.

Crinums are heat-loving plants, even the most hardy ones cannot withstand temperatures below +10 ° C, which is why they are most often grown indoors. Due to the need for cold wintering and large size, the culture is more suitable for winter gardens and cool large rooms: halls, terraces, cinemas and concert halls. There are several aquatic species used in aquariums. Separate unpretentious forms are cultivated in gardens , removing them for the winter in the house. With good care, krinums are durable, they can live up to 25-30 years.

All parts of the plant contain the poisonous alkaloid crinin, so a number of precautions must be observed when growing: wash your hands in case of accidental damage to the flower, avoid close contact with small children and pets.

American and Asian Crinum, other plant varieties

There are over 100 species in the genus. The most commonly cultivated are South African representatives, including:

Krinum Mura (C. Moorei) is a large plant often grown indoors. Bulbs 15-20 cm in diameter, with an elongated (up to 45 cm) neck. Numerous leaves about 90 cm long have a characteristic relief pattern of veins and smooth whitish edges. The flowers are pink or white, bell-shaped with pointed petals, collected in an umbrella of 6-12 pieces on strong peduncles 45-60 cm high, the diameter of the perianth tube is up to 8 cm.

Krinum bulbispermum (C. bulbispermum) grows up to 80 cm, has smaller oval bulbs (8-10 cm), lanceolate leaves and large white flowers, covered with pink spots on the outside.

Crinum Powell (C. Powellli) is a hybrid of the two previous species, a common indoor culture and the only variety recommended in the middle lane for outdoor cultivation, with good shelter and mild snowy winters, it can even winter under these conditions. Belt-like leaves up to 1 m long are collected in a rosette at the top of a false trunk up to 0.5 m high, peduncles reach 90-100 cm, bear about 10 bright pink fragrant flowers 15-20 cm in diameter and 12 cm long. Alba has completely white flowers. The size of a round bulb is 15-20 cm.

Among the heat-loving tropical Asian and American species, the following are especially decorative:

Crinum Asian (C. Asiaticum) , 45-60 cm high with many thin, entire leaves, up to 125 cm long and 7-10 cm wide, growing from a spherical, half-submerged bulb 10-15 cm in size. On one peduncle, 20 -30 snow-white flowers with red divergent stamens. The perianth tube is straight, 10-11 cm long, the petals are narrow, there is no aroma.

Crinum American (C. Americanum) , due to its large size in rooms, it is rare, but it looks great in spacious rooms and winter gardens. Its leaves can grow up to one and a half meters, snow-white or creamy-white large, very fragrant flowers bloom in late summer, may bloom again in spring. The plant is relatively undemanding to lighting and has almost no dormant period. A distinctive feature is a poorly developed, almost reduced bulb.

Crinum: home care, growing methods

South African and tropical species require different care at home. Krinums, originating from the arid regions of the Cape Province, are more cold-resistant, can grow in the garden in summer, and even winter with light shelter in subtropical conditions, in winter they need a cold (up to 6 ° C) dormant period. Tropical varieties in winter provide a temperature of at least 16-18 ° C. The rest of the plant care is little different.

All krinums love bright light, they can even grow on southern windows. Suitable for them and artificial lighting lasting at least 16 hours a day. During the period of growth and flowering, plants require abundant watering with warm water and regular, once every two weeks, fertilizing with liquid fertilizer for flowers at the dosage of the manufacturer. Flowering begins at the end of summer, to increase its duration, wilted flowers are recommended to be removed regularly.

In October, the flower goes into a dormant state, sheds part of the leaves, but does not stop growing completely. At this time, the culture is provided with a cool content, moderately watered, keeping the substrate slightly moist, do not cut. Without a dormant period, new flowering buds do not form, and flowering does not occur the next year.

The powerful root system of the plant does not tolerate transplantation, so it is produced no more than once every 3-4 years. They are transplanted in the spring, before the start of active vegetation, carefully cleaning the old earth from the roots and trying not to damage them, the bulbs are buried in the ground by half or two-thirds. Use containers of the largest possible diameter (up to 35 cm for an adult bulb), with good drainage and loose fertile soil of any composition.

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