Children’s playground for games at their summer cottage

HomeDirectory of a summer residentChildren's playground for games at their summer cottage

For many modern people, the dacha has long been not only a plot of land for growing flowers and other plants, but also an ideal place for family vacations. Spending a few days in nature surrounded by your closest people is a dream that can easily become a reality. To create comfortable conditions for all family members, you should first of all think about children. At a time when parents are satisfied with a quieter and more peaceful environment, children need a place to play and have fun. Making a playground for games in the country will not be difficult, even if the size of the site is not very large.

The most important thing is to ensure the safety of the playing child. You can create suitable conditions where a child can jump, run, play their favorite games using simple and affordable materials.

It’s no secret that the most

Boys prefer more active games, so a slide, wall bars, bungee and swings are suitable for them. It is possible to equip a playground from any materials at hand, while also taking into account the fact that any structures must be stable, without sharp corners, in order to avoid injury when falling.

The place for the playground should be flat and open. It is good if at midday there will be a small shadow from the trees growing in the neighborhood. This will help protect your child from direct sunlight. If there are no suitable plants, then you can put a small canopy.

You should select the design options for the playground depending on the age and gender of your child. The simplest and most suitable for children of any age will be: a swing, a slide, a sandbox, a house, a bench. Active and safe rest in the country is a guarantee of the health of your children. That is why, when planning buildings on the site, always consider the place where your baby can relax and play.

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