

Callistemon: description of varieties, care and reproduction

Callistemon or beautiful stamen (Callistemon) belongs to the Myrtle family. Homeland - Australia, New Zealand. Due to the unusual appearance of the flowers, there...

Canna flower: types and varieties

Canna is the only genus of plants in the Cannaaceae family. It includes many different species and varieties that differ in size, as well...

China (Lathyrus) tuberous and broad-leaved: tips for growing

Plant type: perennial or annual. Description: These hardy plants can be ascending or bushy. The upward growing vines can reach a height of 1.8 meters...


Claytonia (Claytonia) is a genus of perennial or annual succulent herbs of the purslane family (Portulacaceae), growing in the arctic and alpine regions in...


Codonopsis (Codonopsis) is a genus of perennial herbs of the Campanulaceae family, growing in alpine and coastal meadows, shady forest edges in Central, Southeast...

Colchicum – beautiful flowers

Colchicum or colchicum (Colchicum) is a genus of perennial bulbous bulbous flowering herbs of the Colchicum family (Colchicaceae), growing in Europe, the Caucasus, India,...

Cyclamen (Cyclamen) indoor and garden, Persian and European

Plant type: perennial, tuberous. Description: This group consists of fifteen hardy, deciduous, tuberous perennials belonging to the primrose family. In the wild, they grow in...

Cyclamen: growing and care at home

Almost everyone has fresh flowers in their house or apartment, which, with their beauty, give us a good mood. All these requirements are met...

Dahlias (Dahlia): description of flowers – from roots to leaves

Dahlias (Dahlia) - a genus of perennial herbaceous tuberous plants of the Compositae or Asteraceae family. Includes up to 35 species, grows wild in...

Delphiniums (Delphinium): description, types and varieties

Delphinium (Delphinium) - a genus of annual and perennial flowering herbaceous plants of the ranunculaceae family (Ranunculaceae), growing throughout the temperate zone of the...

Dierama (Dierama) – a tuberous plant

Dierama (Dierama) is a genus of perennial corm plants of the iris or iris family (Iridacea), naturally growing in the mountainous regions of southeast...

Dipladenia (Dipladenia) – indoor flower with red or yellow inflorescences

Dipladenia is a genus of evergreen plants in the Apocynaceae family, naturally growing in tropical and subtropical regions of Central and South America. Common...

Erantis (Eranthis) – yellow winter flower

Plant type: bulbous, perennial. Origin: Eurasia. Flowering: the shape of the flowers is cup-shaped, the shade is yellow. Aroma: present. Foliage: dark green,...

Freesia (Freesia) hybrid, terry: flower care and cultivation

Plant type: perennial. Description: This group consists of 19 graceful, deciduous perennial corms. They belong to the iris family, and in the spring they form...

Gesneria room

Gesneria, gesneria (Gesneria) - a genus of perennial herbs and shrubs of the Gesneriaceae family, inhabitants of the tropics of South America. Greenhouse and...

Gloriosa: types and varieties, growing from seeds and tubers

Gloriosa (Gloriosa) - a beautiful plant with rather unusual flowers. Family: Colchicums. The plant is native to the tropics of Africa and India. Gdoriosa is...

Growing and caring for the canna flower

Gardeners appreciate the canna for its decorative effect, bright, showy flowers and lush foliage. The indisputable advantage of this plant is that its...

Herbaceous Peony: description, proper care and cultivation

The world selection of peonies has changed the second century. At first, the favorites were densely double varieties, then the breeders paid attention to...

Liverwort or hepatica (Hepatica) ordinary and noble

The liverwort, copse or hepatica (Hepatica) is a genus of perennial herbs of the buttercup family, grows in the forests of the temperate zone...

Maranta: description of varieties and growing tips

Maranta (Maranta) belongs to the Marantaceae family. Homeland - the tropics of Brazil. In some countries, this genus is also called the "ten commandments",...

Zamioculcas flower – domestic dollar tree

Zamioculcas (Zamioculcas) - a genus of the aroid family, includes the only species that grows in the steppes of the mountainous regions of East...
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Wednesday, November 8, 2023
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