HomeFlowers for the letter J

Flowers for the letter J

Honeysuckle – climbing hedge

The Latin name is Lonicera. Plant type: shrub. Description: the name comes from the name of the German physicist, mathematician and botanist Adam Lonitzer, who lived...

Jasmine (Jasminum) – a flower with a royal aroma

Latin name: Jasminum. Plant type: shrub or liana. Description: This plant has always been revered in the East. In many Eastern cultures, it has become an...

Jonquilia, or yellow daffodil (Narcissus jonquilla)

Plant type: perennial bulbous. Description: Yellow daffodils are one of the most valuable ornamental spring plants. Family - Amaryllis. In nature, there are about sixty...

Tenacious: description and cultivation in the garden

Flowers of the tenacious are frequent guests of personal plots. And basically, due to the fact that they require minimal care from the gardener...

Zhiryanka: description and care at home

Zhiryanka is the Russian name for representatives of the genus Pingvikula ( Pinguicula ), in fact, which is a literal translation. Family: Pemphigus is...
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