Arends saxifrage: planting, care and growing from seeds

HomeGarden FlowersArends saxifrage: planting, care and growing from seeds

The saxifrage plant arendsa is a herbaceous perennial that is very popular with flower growers. It can be found in flowerbeds and alpine hills in almost all regions of the country.

The Latin name of the plant is Saxifraga x Arendsii, and it comes from the words rock – “saxum” and break – “frango” and characterizes the ability of this plant to grow on rocks and in cracks.

In nature, there are many varieties of this perennialgrowing at different heights relative to sea level. Moreover, the higher the saxifrage grows, the brighter, juicier and richer the color of its flowers and leaves.

Anders saxifrage varieties: White carpet, Purple carpet and others

The saxifrage arendsa, the photo of which is presented below, is a perennial complex ground cover interspecific hybrid belonging to bryophyte soddy plants:

For most flower growers, growing saxifrage arends does not cause any difficulties, since this flower is completely undemanding and unpretentious in care. This hybrid belongs to winter-hardy crops that do not require shelter for the winter.

The height of the plant varies between 5-20 cm, thin shoots can reach a length of 3-10 cm. The leaves of this hybrid are palmate, dissected, growing from above and forming a dense hemispherical “cap”.

That is why the structure of the turf of this species has its own characteristics – leaves and peduncles are located on top, and bare, brown stems are in the middle of the bush.

Flowers are ascending, bell-shaped, up to 1 cm in diameter, arranged in several pieces on peduncles rising 5-20 cm above the sod. There are the following varieties of this plant:

Schneeteppih or saxifrage arendsa “White Carpet”.

Purpurmantel or purple-pink saxifrage “Purple Carpet”.

Flamingo or pink saxifrage.

Blutenteppih or carmine-red saxifrage.

The flowering of all varieties of this plant begins early, already in May you can find beautiful flowering plants of this species in the flower beds. Saxifrage arendsa purple carpet is very popular due to its amazing color and long flowering that lasts for 30 days.

Reproduction and planting of Arends saxifrage

Planting a saxifrage arends is no different from planting other varieties of this perennial. It can be planted in the ground in the form of seedlings grown from seeds or cuttings obtained from an adult mother plant.

The seeds of the saxifrage arends are small and black, sowing their box or individual peat cups is done in March-April, planting seedlings in open ground only in May-June. Seeds hatch already a week after sowing into the ground, and after another 1.5-2.0 weeks, real leaves appear, which becomes a signal for picking plants into separate pots (if they grow in the same container).

In order for the cultivation of saxifrage arendsa from seeds to be successful, it is important to choose the right soil for sowing them. The soil should be well-drained, including peat, humus, sand and hardwood.

The temperature of the soil and air should be in the range of 18-22 degrees, the soil should be moist, but not too wet. Otherwise, even the most correct planting and competent care for the saxifrage arends will not save it from rotting rhizomes in wet soil.

When planting a plant in open ground, it is important to consider that the plant prefers to grow in partial shade. In sunny areas, the plant can also grow, but in this case, it will need regular daily moderate watering.

The soil on the site should also be sandy, fertile and light, although in nature the flower grows well in depleted rocky areas.

Reproduction of a plant can take place in several ways: using cuttings, dividing rosettes or sowing seeds. Cuttings are carried out in early summer, with cuttings for rooting placed in special boxes under glass, which maintain a cool temperature, humidity and shading.

The division of sockets is recommended to be done in spring or autumn.

At the same time, planting and caring for the saxifrage arendsa, the photo of which is given below, seated in this way, should be very careful:

This need is due to the fact that when the mother bush is divided into sockets, it suffers and can get sick.

Growing and caring for Arends’ saxifrage

No less important in the successful cultivation of this flower, in addition to proper and timely sowing, is competent care for it during the entire flowering period and after it.

The care of saxifrage rents includes the following components:

  • Regular moderate watering, especially in the first year after planting seedlings or cuttings;
  • Removing flower stalks after they have faded. This is necessary to stimulate the formation of new flowers;
  • Rejuvenation of bushes due to their division every 4-5 years.
  • After the flowering period, a large number of seeds are formed, which, if properly stored, remain viable for 2-3 years.

Types of Arends saxifrage: white, Pink carpet, Floral Carpet

The genus of these ground cover includes about 400 species, which mostly grow in the mountains of Asia, America and Europe. In appearance, saxifrages are very similar, but the color of the flowers may be different. White, pink and purple saxifrages are especially popular, although many people like the blue and yellow varieties.

The saxifrage arendsa white or mossy is a garden hybrid of this plant. This evergreen tap-rooted perennial forms a dense beautiful cushion of leaves and flowers, 10-15 cm high. Its leaves are lobed, light green, the flowers are small, white.

The saxifrage arendsa “Pink Carpet” is also very popular. This is a short and very graceful flower, also having a tap root system, evergreen leaves forming a dense cushion up to 5-7 cm in height. The flower propagates more often by cuttings, but it is also possible to sow seeds.

The saxifrage Arendsa Floral Carpet, which is distinguished by beautiful white and pink flowers, is in great demand. The flower feels great on alpine slides and rockeries. The plant is photophilous, but can tolerate partial shade

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