Yarutka field (Thlaspi arvense): medicinal flower

HomeAll flowers that start with YYarutka field (Thlaspi arvense): medicinal flower

Plant type: annual.

Description: This weed is most often found on arable land, roadsides, and also wastelands. It blooms profusely in a variety of habitat conditions, it can be both wet and dry climates. It blooms profusely in a variety of habitat conditions, it can be both wet and dry climates. The flower has a pungent odor, especially when crushed. It is noteworthy that if cows eat this plant, then their milk spoils. The seeds of the flower contain substances that break down into mustard oil and can poison livestock. However, in some countries the yarutka flower is cultivated as a plant used in cooking. The seeds have diuretic properties and were formerly collected against rheumatism. The plant reaches a height of 10 to 50 cm.

  • Origin: Europe.
  • Foliage: For the most part, the leaves are alternate, oblanceolate, 2-6 cm long, tapering to a short stalk.
  • Care: easy.

Lighting: full sun. It is desirable that sunlight hit for eight hours a day.

Soil Type: Loamy soil is best. The soil should be well-drained and rich in nutrients.

Reproduction: carried out by planting seeds. According to statistics, 87% of seeds germinate within ten years.

Blooming yarutka in the photo.

Flowering: falls on the period from March to October. Early flowering may be caused by an increase in temperature. Flowers are capable of self-pollination, and they are mostly pollinated in this way, but about 10-20% may interbreed in other ways. They have a white tint. The first seeds appear in early July, but they can be scattered within a few weeks.

Application: for medical purposes, for the treatment of ailments, field yaruka is used – stomach diseases, inflammation of the eyes, etc. It is also used to decorate gardens and in cooking. For decorative purposes, alpine yarutka is very popular with flower growers (see photo below).

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