White callas in the garden: varieties in the photo, care and cultivation

HomeCallasWhite callas in the garden: varieties in the photo, care and cultivation

White callas symbolize purity. Divine, elegant, stylish – it’s all about them! Ideal for decorating weddings, bridal bouquets. A mesmerizing color, their white or creamy whites give the impression of fantastic flowers that can only be found in fairy tales, but no, they are not, these are real flowers with real amazing beauty!

  • Family: Aroid
  • Alternative name: scientifically called Zantedexia (zantedeschia) .
  • Origin: South Africa.
  • Favorable conditions: grow best in sun-exposed areas of the earth. However, they also need shade and even darkness. The sun helps them grow, and the darkness helps them bloom.
  • Height: grows from 30 to 60 cm.
  • Soil: Must be highly nutritious and enriched regularly.
  • Leaves: long.
  • Flowering period: May-June.
  • Reproduction: by planting seeds, bulbs and division.

White calla care

Calla white requires care the same as the rest of the representatives of this family of flowering plants. Try to maintain regular abundant watering. Since they originate from South Africa, where they grew up in tropical climates, they have a constant need for water.

Types of white callas in the photo

Hazmanta Ethiopian (Aethiopica) .

Ethiopian childziana (Aethiopica Childsiana) .

Ethiopian fragrant dwarf (Aethiopica Fragrant Dwarf) .

Giant white (Aethiopica Giant White) .

Green Goddess (Aethiopica Green Goddess) .

Hercules (Aethiopica Hercules) .

Pink Mist (Aethiopica Pink Mist) .

Bridal Bliss .

Cameo (Cameo) .

Eskimo Captain (Captain Eskimo) .

Captain Volante .

Crystal blush (Crystal Blush) .

Elegant Swan .

Mint julip (Mint Julep) .

Spring white (Spring White) .

Starlight (Starlight) .

Growing callas in the garden

Growing calla lilies in the garden is a fascinating process, at the end of which a miracle of unearthly beauty awaits you in the form of an unusual flower bud. When planting white calla lilies in your garden, make sure the soil you place them in has good drainage. This is very important for their development. Place them in a sunny spot and make sure you give them the space they need as they grow in large areas.

Plant them either near colorful flower beds for contrast, or near other white flowers for a beautiful harmony.

Caution: white callas – poisonous flowers

Keep cut flowers in a cool place, away from direct sunlight or any heat source. Change the water every two days, and if you see them starting to dry out, cut the stems a few inches from the bottom with a sharp metal knife under running water.

Also, remember that white callas are poisonous plants , so keep them away from children and pets.

They are excellent colors to choose from if you are looking for something elegant, stylish and luxurious. Use these items for any occasion, from weddings to funerals.

The meaning of calla flowers

These flowers are a symbol of splendor, beauty and innocence. It also has significant religious significance. It is believed that the white calla is a symbol of the Resurrection of Jesus. The shape of the flower resembles trumpets, and trumpets are a symbol of victory. Often it was considered the flower of the Archangel Gabriel, since he allegedly read sermons with the help of a similarly shaped trumpet. Different peoples have their own meaning of calla colors.

Using white calla flowers

Used for celebrations. They are very elegant and combine classic and modern, exquisite decorations for the garden. But remember that if you chose white callas as your wedding theme, you won’t be able to use them in your bridal bouquet or boutonniere. In addition, these flowers are widely used at funerals, as a statement of sympathy and other meanings of this delicate flower.

Match with any colors you want to mix and use. Of course, this is permissible, but no matter what shade you choose to combine with them, they will still stand out more.

Bouquets of white callas

White calla flowers are often used for bridal bouquets, primarily because they represent purity and innocence. These majestic flowers will present the bride as “the most beautiful of brides”.

Combine with purple flowers – they have a combination with lavender orchid , for example. White callas can be mixed with buttery yellow flowers to indicate your good style and impeccable appearance.

Cascading, round, hand-knitted – it’s your choice. Regardless of the shape, your calla bouquet will always look stunning.

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