Tell me what flowers you like and I’ll tell you who you are!

HomeDirectory of a summer residentTell me what flowers you like and I'll tell you who you...

Have you ever thought that flowers can tell a lot about a person. It is not for nothing that some women go crazy with the smell of lilies, while others cannot stand it. It is by what flowers a woman likes that one can judge her character and main features. This is especially true for men. If you decide to buy flowers for your chosen one and you know her preferences, then take a look at our article, perhaps you will learn something new about her.

Let’s start with the rose. The most popular flower In principle, this flower is chosen by self-confident, self-sufficient and active women. They do not hover in the clouds, stand firmly on their feet, love comfort and appreciate the established order of things in their lives.

Lovers of chrysanthemums are sometimes difficult to understand, they are not secretive, but they like to isolate themselves a little from society and withdraw into themselves.

An exotic orchid is loved by the same extravagant and charismatic natures. They are not easy to surprise, and they enjoy life in a rather original way, sometimes not being able to be content with simple things.

Tulips love nature only seemingly simple and naive. Like the flowers themselves with a large bud on thin legs, these women do not bend under the pressure of life’s difficulties and problems, they are easy to communicate, but no one knows their real plans and thoughts, real mystery women. These women know their worth, which is why they are so difficult to achieve.

Lilies are loved by girls who consider themselves queens. Let it be said too loudly, but it is no accident that lilies were often depicted on royal heraldry. These girls often have high self-esteem, they are self-confident, energetic, proud, and sometimes even arrogant. They are alien to someone else’s opinion, as well as self-criticism.

Gerbers are chosen by open and kind girls, their main feature is simplicity and gullibility, sometimes excessive and childish. But maybe this is what attracts many men, and despite their childishly naive openness, they are rather stubborn.

Well, did you find your soul mate in the descriptions? Or maybe you discovered some new qualities for yourself. In any case, flowers can only tell in general terms about the character, and even if your chosen one likes tulips, and she seems impregnable and cold to you, then use the win-win option – order flowers to be delivered to your home with a note and a wish for a good day. The first step has already been taken and such a romantic gesture will melt the heart of any beauty!

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