Rose Abracadabra (Abracadabra): variety description and photo

HomeAbout rosesRose Abracadabra (Abracadabra): variety description and photo

A surprisingly beautiful variety of roses, bred relatively recently (about 20 years ago) by American breeders, was called Abracadabra. The abracadabra rose is one of the most popular and beautiful hybrid tea varieties obtained by crossing a tea and remontant rose.

  • Birthplace: USA California.
  • Family: Rosaceae.
  • Variety: hybrid tea.
  • Lighting: bright sunlight.
  • Content temperature: from +30 to -10 °С.
  • Watering: spring – autumn regular, does not require watering in winter.
  • Top dressing: March-April, June-July.
  • Reproduction: grafting, budding, cuttings.

The abracadabra rose is a perennial plant growing in the form of a spreading or erect bush, as well as in the form of a standard tree 50 to 150 cm high, with dark green spiny stems. Large, with a diameter of 7 to 12 cm, singly located on a high peduncle or in inflorescences, double flowers with a high center and pointed petals and a pleasant persistent aroma. The variety Abracadabra is especially interesting and attractive in that the color of the flowers consists of a huge number of various combinations of colors and shades of red, yellow, brown and white.

Rose cultivation and care

Despite the fact that the abracadabra rose is a cut variety, it takes root well and grows well and tolerates frosts down to -10 ° C in open ground. The place for planting must be sunny and open, in a well-ventilated area, where, due to the movement of air, the plant dries quickly from rain and dew, which significantly reduces the risk of its disease .

Variety photo

Rose abracadabra prefers loose fertile soils with good drainage. Before planting, the soil must be dug up to a depth of 2 times the length of the root system and fertilized with humus or compost, and peat must be added to heavy soil to improve the mechanical composition.

Immediately before planting the plant, the root system must be placed in water for 6-10 hours, then the seedling must be placed in a hole prepared in advance, the roots should be carefully spread and the nutrient mixture should be added. After that, the roots should be sprinkled, the pit should be filled with earth, compacted tightly and watered abundantly.

It is best to plant in the fall, in which case the rose will form by the summer and bloom in the summer.

Rose care in the warm season includes such mandatory procedures as:

  • regular and plentiful, but without waterlogging watering;
  • plant formation by pruning and cutting wild shoots from grafted plants;
  • loosening the soil around the plant, mulching and removing weeds;
  • subcortex with mineral fertilizers for flowers in the period from March to April and from the beginning of June to the end of July at intervals of 1 time in 7-10 days;
  • carrying out preventive measures to combat pests and diseases.

In winter, when the air temperature is below -5 ° C, to prevent freezing, the previously cut plant must be covered in such a way that there is no dampness under the shelter leading to fungal diseases, and during periods of winter thaw, the plant must be ventilated.

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