Purple calla: hybrid description with photo

HomeCallasPurple calla: hybrid description with photo

This species is a majestic symbol, a flower for kings and queens. These purple flowers are stately, tall, breathtaking when seen. They are the best when choosing flowers for wedding bouquets, as any bride wants her wedding to be royal. So purple or lavender callas are one of the best ways to do it!

  • Type: angiosperms.
  • Class: dicot.
  • Squad: chastuhotsvetnye.
  • Family: Araceae.
  • Genus: calla / santedexia.
  • Origin: homeland – South Africa. The word “calla” means “beautiful” in Greek, but purple callas have some confusion in the name. The fact is that this flower is neither a calla nor a lily , since it does not belong to the lily family at all.
  • Height: 50-140 cm high.
  • Soil: Moist, well-drained and mineral-rich soil.
  • Leaves: long arrows, pointed or heart-shaped; dark green. They also have a waxy texture.
  • Flowering time: early summer (in the middle latitudes of the European part of Russia).
  • Care: Fertilize the soil while placing the bulbs. They need a lot of nutrients, especially if you are using bulbs from last year.

Hybrids of purple callas in the photo

Amethyst .

Anneke .

Captain Chelsea .

Captain Reno .

Cream Lavender (Cream Lavender) .

Dominic (Domenique) .

Lavender Gem .

Midnight Eclipse .

Picasso (Picasso) .

Purple Splendor .

Purple Haze .

Some of the shades of red can be found in species growing naturally.

Growing and caring for purple callas

They need plenty of sun to thrive well, so place them in a sunny spot, but with partial shade, they need some shade to bloom at full capacity.

Callas grow quite tall, keep that in mind. Space them about 12 cm apart and away from other flower beds that may interfere with their growth in the future.

Store cut purple callas in a cool place away from household appliances that generate heat. Also, keep them out of direct sunlight and make sure the water in the vase is warm. When they begin to wilt, trim their stems a few inches under running water to revive them.

Make sure the flowers are away from children and pets as they are highly poisonous and can be fatal.

The meaning of purple callas

All these species are royal flowers. They symbolize sophistication and charm. With their shape they express honor, and the deep color makes you think about passion. Lavender symbolizes purity and uniqueness, while deeper purple shows power.

Areas of use of purple callas

These are classy flowers. Used at weddings, they make a wonderful impression. With their velvety flowers and waxy leaves, they give the impression of painted flowers, but since they are real, their purpose is to please your eye with their brilliance and color!

Purple calla goes well with yellow freesia, white rose, pale pink mini callas. It looks spectacular in a photo studio – fill the main space with greenery and maybe add pearl drops to some flowers, for sure it will look very successful.

Suitable for any boutonniere and bodice, look sophisticated and subtle on any white shirt or wrist. Add some sparkling white pearls to the flowers and you will have the most beautiful wedding ever!

Purple callas in bouquets

Bouquets of purple callas are very memorable. Each looks different: falling – elegant, round – impressive, lush – intricate, cascading – elegant. When making your choice, keep in mind that purple flowers in a bouquet look best when mixed with white or yellow flowers.

Freesias are perfect in combination with them, but you can try to make your bouquet more modern and unusual. To do this, mix the purple look with the brown-orange leaves in autumn and you have a unique bouquet for a unique occasion!

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