Proper watering – healthy plants

HomeDirectory of a summer residentProper watering - healthy plants

An important element of the interior in the house and office are indoor plants. They require different care, soil and top dressing. When breeding indoor flowers, it is necessary to choose the right lighting, watering, and create conditions with the right humidity. With their help, a complete feeling of comfort is achieved, they help to saturate the air with useful trace elements, and simply delight the eye with their natural beauty. But in order for the plants to be healthy for a long time, it is necessary to take care of them and, most importantly, organize proper watering.

Regular watering of indoor plants ensures the flow of moisture and nutrients into the plant cells.

When carrying out seasonal top dressing, it is necessary to water the plants well in order to benefit them. Automation of the watering process is often required – a large assortment of plants in the office, in flower shops. Or when traveling on vacation and business trips. It used to leave the keys to the neighbors and could safely be absent for a long time. At the moment, this practice is used less and less.

Therefore, a well-thought-out automatic watering system will be an ideal assistant for flower growers. Smart-Flower offers auto-irrigation in a wide variety of configurations. Automated Rain Smart systems allow you to water up to 16 plants at the same time. At the same time, the frequency of watering is set – each plant requires an individual amount of moisture. In addition, you can adjust the amount of water consumed per irrigation. Systems are supplied with or without water tanks, some are equipped with submersible pumps. Wide selection for every wallet.

If you decide to use automatic watering for indoor plants, then you can safely contact the Smart-Flower store and be sure that you will find a perfectly designed system for your flowers here.

Also our store offers equipment for watering greenhouses. In terms of area, greenhouse areas are relatively extensive and care, and especially watering, takes a lot of time. In this case, automation of the irrigation process will help save costs, both time and money. This is due to the fact that automatic watering uses water sparingly and brings only the required amount to the plants.

Quality irrigation system materials and innovative engineering features will benefit your plants and save money on your family or business budget.

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