Marigold (Tagetes) or velvet – garden flowers and varieties in the photo

HomeAll flowers that start with MMarigold (Tagetes) or velvet - garden flowers and varieties in the photo

The leaves of the plant are pinnately divided or pinnately dissected, less often serrated, entire, from light to dark green in color with translucent glands. They are located opposite or in the next order. Inflorescences – simple or terry baskets, orange, yellow or brown. The heads of representatives of the genus are of medium size, with a cylindrical veil, consisting of 1 row of leaflets fused together.

  • Flowers: reed, narrowed towards the base. Bloom profusely until frost from June.
  • Plant fruit: capsule.
  • Origin: Central and South America.
  • Content temperature: from +35 to 0°С.
  • Illumination: penumbra.
  • Watering: regular in summer, does not require watering in winter.
  • Flowering: from early June until frost.

Description: a perennial or annual plant from the Compositae family with erect, branched, spreading or compact bush stems from 15 to 120 cm high, and a fibrous root system.

Marigolds – varieties and types of plants

In culture, there are about 30 plant species, but the most popular and popular are 3 types: thin-leaved, rejected and upright. Each of them has many varieties united in variety series or variety groups and, in turn, in each variety group, absolutely all varieties have the same shape and height of the inflorescence, and differ only in color.

Also, marigold varieties are distinguished by height: low varieties – up to 45 cm tall, medium – 45-60 cm, high – 60-90 cm and giant – above 90 cm.

The species is erect – powerful, 40-100 cm high plants, with a large inflorescence 7-15 cm in diameter, terry in all varieties. Flower color is pale yellow to dark orange.

The most popular varieties with a brief description

Gelber Stein – a bush up to 70 cm tall with a chrysanthemum inflorescence, light golden yellow, 7-8 cm in diameter.

Gold Dollar (Gold Dollar) – a compact bush, 90-120 cm tall with thick, ribbed and strong dark green shoots. The leaves are large, dark green. Hustomahrovye, clove-colored inflorescences are almost spherical, 7-8 cm in diameter, red-orange in color, odorless.

Goldlicht (Goldlicht) – a compact bush 60-75 cm high with ribbed, strong shoots of light green color with a reddish bloom. Large, dark green leaves. Inflorescences are hemispherical, double, carnation-colored, 8-10 cm in diameter with bright orange reed flowers.

Sonnenschein (Sonnenschein) – a standard-shaped bush up to 50 cm tall with strong, ribbed, green shoots and large green leaves. Inflorescences are chrysanthemum-shaped, 5-6 cm in diameter, golden yellow in color, consisting of numerous tubular, large flowers with corolla lobes twisted downwards.

Type of marigolds rejected – up to 60 cm high with double or non-double inflorescences with a diameter of 4-7 cm, yellow and orange, as well as red-brown. Sometimes there are 2 colors.

Varieties of rejected marigolds in the photo

Gold Ball (Gold Ball) – sprawling, strongly branched bush 50-60 cm tall with strong, green ribbed shoots with a reddish-brown bloom. Leaves are medium sized, green. Simple and semi-double inflorescences with a diameter of 4-5 cm. The flowers are reed, arranged in 1-2 rows, reddish-brown, velvety. Flowers tubular golden yellow.

Gold Kopchen is a densely leafy compact shrub 20-25 cm high with a reddish coating of strong, green shoots and medium-sized dark green leaves. Inflorescences are chrysanthemum-shaped with a diameter of 3.5-4 cm, terry, consist of golden yellow, wide funnel-shaped tubular flowers and 1 row of dark red reed flowers, slightly bent down and with a slightly wavy edge.

Lemon Gem (Lemon Gem) – almost spherical, densely leafy, highly branched compact shrub, 20-30 cm tall. Shoots are thick, strong, with dark red ribs. The leaves are dark green, medium size. Inflorescences are terry, clove-colored, 3.5-4 cm in diameter, consist only of bright yellow reed flowers.

Orange Flame – densely leafy, compact bush, 20-30 cm tall with strong green shoots. The leaves are dark green with small narrow lanceolate lobes. Chrysanthemum-shaped, double inflorescences, 3.5-4.5 cm in diameter. The inflorescences consist of bright orange, wide-funnel-shaped tubular flowers, with red strokes and 1 row of slightly bent down, red-brown, velvety flowers with a yellow spot at the base and a yellow border.

Type thin-leaved marigolds – 20-50 cm high with thin-cut, very small leaves, 1-2 cm in diameter and non-double inflorescence.

Varieties of thin-leaved marigolds in the pictures

Golden Ring (Golden Ring) – a compact, spherical bush 40-50 cm tall, with thin, fragile, dark green shoots. Small leaves are dissected into narrow lobes. Small inflorescences with a diameter of 2.5-3 cm are simple, reed flowers are bent, bright yellow, and tubular flowers are very small, orange with brown dots along the edges of the corolla lobes.

Gnom (Gnom) – densely branched, spherical, densely leafy bush up to 25 cm high, with strong, thin shoots of light green color. The leaves are small with narrow-linear segments. Small inflorescences up to 2.5 cm in diameter consist of 5 reed, bright yellow flowers and a small number of small, orange tubular flowers.

Lemon Gem is a very branched, profusely flowering, spherical bush, 30-35 cm high. The inflorescence is light yellow with a lemon tint.

Marigold erect (Tagetes erecta)

It is a powerful, perennial, branched shrub up to 1 m high, with large, deeply dissected green leaves with a specific smell. Marigold erect has a powerful and well-developed root system. The flowers of the plant are very showy and are inflorescences-baskets 8-16 cm in diameter, with a variety of colors, from cream to bright orange. Inflorescences can be clove-shaped and chrysanthemum-shaped. It begins to bloom approximately 2.5-3 months after planting.

Marigold (Tagetes signata)

The plant has graceful thin leaves, blooms profusely and exudes a pleasant delicate aroma. Fine-leaved marigold is a strongly branching bush with a powerful root system, 15-40 cm high. Inflorescences-baskets about 2 cm in diameter, come in red, orange and yellow. The leaves are thinly dissected, green. After sowing, it blooms in 2 months.

Small-flowered marigolds (Tagetes patula L.)

Herbaceous, strongly odorous, annual plant with branched stems forming wide and dense bushes. The leaves are pinnately dissected, and the leaflets are lanceolate, narrow and sharp. Flower baskets brown-orange, dark orange, yellow. Marginal flowers are false-reed in baskets, middle ones are tubular. Stamens 5, and pistil with 2 stigmas and lower ovary. Small-flowered marigolds bloom from June to September. The fruits of the plant are linear achenes.

Marigolds – growing in the garden

Plants do not need bright sunlight, preferring partial shade. Requires well-moistened, nutritious soils, especially in the 1st half of summer. When grown, marigolds tolerate drought well, but at the beginning of growth they need abundant and frequent watering without waterlogging. They need top dressing with mineral and organic fertilizers at least 3-4 times during the growing season. It is necessary to regularly loosen and weed the soil, as the root system and the plant as a whole suffer from a lack of oxygen. At a temperature of -1 ° C, the plant dies.

Marigold – medicinal properties of the plant

The plant contains an essential oil with pharmacological properties. Thanks to this, marigold has medicinal properties that have diaphoretic, diuretic and antihelminthic effects on the human body. Also, marigold oil is a good remedy for treating ulcers, skin inflammations, treating diseases of the respiratory tract, and based on it, a massage cream is made that reduces pain during sprains.

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