Growing Alyssum variety “Snow Carpet” from seeds

HomeAll flowers that start with AGrowing Alyssum variety "Snow Carpet" from seeds

Alyssum “Snow Carpet” is one of the most common ground cover crops in Russia. It is in demand among domestic gardeners for ease of care and the ability to transform large areas. This variety blooms throughout the summer season, maintaining the beauty of the garden. This article will discuss how to successfully grow this crop, what features of the variety need to be taken into account so that it pleases the eye with its freshness and decorativeness for as long as possible.


Alyssum “Snow Carpet” is a ground cover annual plant about 15 cm high. It has creeping long shoots that can grow rapidly and occupy vast areas up to 0.25 sq. m. Over time, the shoots become woody, become very durable. The leaves are elongated, narrow, alternately arranged, covered with a light pile, due to which they acquire a gray tint.

The racemose inflorescences consist of many small four-petaled flowers. Their color is most often yellow, less often light pink, pale yellow and purple. The plant begins to bloom in early summer. New inflorescences form on the bush before the onset of cold weather.

A feature of this variety is its unpretentiousness to growing conditions. It develops quite successfully and blooms even on poor stony soils, tolerates light frosts, and is resistant to drought. This is one of those plants about which you can say “planted and forgotten.” For this reason, it is recommended for breeding even inexperienced gardeners.

Growing from seed

Seeds for germination can be collected from existing plants on the site. This work is carried out in September at the end of flowering. Under the bushes you need to spread a dense material, then grind the collected inflorescences in your hands. Remove the seed in a dry, ventilated room to dry. Store in cloth bags at low humidity.

Experienced gardeners practice growing snow carpet alissum seedlings from seedlings to obtain strong plants. Only in the southern regions can you immediately plant seed on the site. Seeds should be planted 1.5 months before flowering. It usually occurs in late May – early June.

Sowing seeds for seedlings is carried out in the second half of March. To do this, take deep boxes or containers, which are filled with a loose, light nutrient substrate. Seeds are evenly scattered over the surface of pre-moistened soil and slightly pressed. Moisturize again after a few hours.

Containers with crops are tightly covered with polyethylene, placed in a well-lit place with a temperature of 18 – 20 degrees. Shelter is removed every day for 4 to 5 hours so that the seeds do not rot. The soil is watered, trying to prevent it from drying out. The film is removed after most of the seeds have sprouted.

After the first pair of leaves appears in the plants, fertilizer is applied using any mineral composition for seedlings. This work is combined with watering. Young plants are fed once a week before planting in open ground.

The grown seedlings dive into separate containers, leaving a distance of about 5 cm between the plants. After the air in the street warms up to 13 degrees, the seedlings are taken out into the street and continue to take care of it in the same mode.

Seedlings can be planted in open ground in mid-late May. Seedlings are planted in open sunny areas with loose soil. The distance between plants should be 30 cm. After transplanting into the holes, the soil around the seedling is compacted and watered.


Proper care after planting the Snow Carpet alissum variety ensures the plant’s rapid rooting, its rapid development and well-being.

This crop should be watered moderately, since excess moisture, as well as its lack, will negatively affect the health and beauty of the bush. It is recommended to check before the next watering how dry the topsoil is. When it dries to a depth of 5 cm, you can moisten the soil.

Usually this work is enough to carry out 1 time in 4 days. After water procedures, it is necessary to loosen the area near the plant, providing the roots with oxygen, and remove weeds.

Top dressing is enough to make 4 times during the season with an interval of 1 month. For this purpose, mineral complexes can be used. Also, the care of this variety includes constant pruning, which activates the formation of new inflorescences instead of faded ones, and will help maintain a neat appearance of the ground cover. For abundant bud formation, pruning must be combined with top dressing.

The following photo shows the Snow Carpet alissum flower variety, which shows how lush and beautiful this groundcover is:

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