Grevillea: indoor views, home care tips

HomeAll flowers that start with GGrevillea: indoor views, home care tips

Grevillea ( Grevillea ) is an evergreen plant with unusual leaves, belonging to the Proteus family. Homeland is Australia. The genus includes trees, low shrubs and subshrubs with erect and creeping stems. The height of representatives of the genus reaches from 50 to 150 cm, depending on the variety. Due to its interesting appearance, this culture is popular with flower growers who successfully grow it at home. The Australian beauty is demanding to care for, but having studied its basic needs, you can become the owner of an unusual and very beautiful plant.


Grevillea is a perennial plant with cylindrical stems covered with gray smooth bark. The leaves are pinnate, dissected into segments, bright green, alternately arranged, attached to the shoots with short petioles. The length of the leaf plates is 20 – 30 cm, width – 10 cm. The upper part of the leaves is smooth, the lower part is covered with a light pile.

The inflorescences are racemose, consisting of many tubular flowers with long pistils. The color of the flowers can be different, depending on their varietal affiliation, but mostly bright pink tones predominate. Only experienced flower growers can achieve the flowering of this culture in an apartment. To do this, it is necessary to create conditions that are as close to natural as possible.

Below is a photo of Grevillea showing what this unusual exotic plant with spectacular foliage looks like:


Grevillea powerful ( Grevillea robusta ) – a plant with unpaired, rich green leaves, alternately located on the stems. Their surface is smooth, with pronounced veins. The bottom side is covered with pile. Inflorescences are large, horizontally located, formed in the axils of the leaves. They consist of numerous orange flowers with intricately curved long stamens.

Grevillea banksii ( Grevillea banksii ). A small tree with straight cylindrical stems covered with unpaired leaves dissected into narrowly lanceolate segments. The upper part of the leaves is dark green, smooth, the lower part is light, covered with a silvery pile. Inflorescences are formed in the axils of the leaves and in the upper part of the shoots. They consist of red flowers with long curved, hook-like pistils.

Grevillea juniperus is a compact dense shrub with branching stems. The leaves are simple or obovate, with alternate arrangement, divided into small lanceolate segments, have a bluish-green color. Inflorescences racemose, with orange or yellow flowers. This variety can be grown both in open ground and at home.

Rosemary Grevillea ( Grevillea rosmarinifolia ). Shrub, consisting of straight shoots, completely covered with needle-shaped foliage. Inflorescences form at the top of the stems. They contain small flowers of red and white color scheme.

Grevillea Green Island is an ornamental leafy plant, reaching up to 200 cm in room conditions. The leaves are bright green, pinnate, dissected into small lobes. Outwardly, they resemble fern leaves. Their length is 30 cm or more. When grown indoors, this species requires regular pruning, which gives the plant a nice, neat shape and restrains its growth.


To obtain grevillea, seeds are purchased that are germinated at room conditions. To do this, in the last days of February, or at the beginning of March, small containers are prepared, filling them with a nutritious light substrate. The seed material is deepened by 50 mm. The soil is moistened with a sprayer so that the seeds do not float to its surface.

For successful germination, crops are covered with polyethylene or glass. This is how you achieve the greenhouse effect. Keep in diffused light and a temperature of 20 degrees.

Crops are opened daily for airing. If you don’t, they will rot. Water procedures are carried out as the earth dries up. I completely remove the shelter only after sprouts appear. When they grow up a little, they are transplanted into separate pots.

If the grower has a Grevillea, you can get a new plant using a cutting. Planting material is taken from a perennial specimen. The cuttings should be semi-lignified, reaching a length of about 7 cm. The cuts are processed in a growth stimulator, which accelerates root formation.

For rooting, they are placed in sand or soil, moistened, covered with a film. Harvest for germination in a room with diffused light and a temperature of 20 – 23 degrees. Care is the same as when growing from seeds. After the first pair of leaves has formed on the cutting, it is transplanted into a separate pot.


  • Lighting. Grevillea is a photophilous indoor plant that fully develops, being in bright light for at least 12 hours a day. However, direct sunlight can harm the flower. For this reason, it must be in diffused light. On cloudy days, as well as in the autumn-winter season, when daylight hours are significantly reduced, additional light sources will need to be used.
  • Air temperature. In the warm season, this crop should be kept at an air temperature in the range from 21 to 25 degrees. With the onset of autumn, it is transferred to a cooler place with a temperature of 8 – 13 degrees.
  • Watering. From the first days of spring to mid-autumn, you should regularly water the flower, waiting for the topsoil to dry out. Do not allow the substrate to dry out and overmoisten it. In the remaining months, watering should be carried out less often, but make sure that the earth does not dry out. For irrigation, use soft water at room temperature.
  • Topdressing. When caring for grevillea at home, it is necessary to nourish the soil in spring and summer, using mineral complexes for decorative leafy plants. The interval between top dressing should be 2 – 3 weeks. In autumn and winter, enriching the substrate is not required.
  • Transfer. The first 3 years after planting, transplantation is carried out every year. Older specimens are transplanted every 3 years. Perennial tall plants periodically change only the top layer of soil. Transplantation is carried out in March. The new pot should be 2 – 3 cm larger in diameter than the old one.

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