Garden roses: care and cultivation

HomeAbout rosesGarden roses: care and cultivation

Garden roses have been the most popular flower in the world for a long time. The reason for this popularity may be the variety of color, size and fragrance of flowers.

  • Type: angiosperms.
  • Class: dicot.
  • Squad: Roses.
  • Family: Rosaceae.
  • Subfamily: Rosoidae.
  • Genus: Rose.

She was a symbol of love, beauty, even war and politics in different periods of history. The difference in types, colors and even the number of roses carried a symbolic meaning. She is the most widely known symbol of love, in particular the Red Rose.

These flowers have been and are the most popular among others as a gift all over the world. They also serve as a great addition to home and office decor. A bouquet or even a single flower aesthetically decorates and greatly enlivens the space. In addition to freshly cut flowers, artificial flowers are very common and are also widely used as decoration.

Remember that for a lush rose bloom, care and cultivation must fully comply with the recommendations below.

Rose classification

In general, the classification of roses divides them into three classes:

wild roses

Wild species are often referred to as natural species. They often have relatively simple, 5-petalled flowers that produce colorful fruits that provide food for birds in the winter.

The most popular variety for sale today is the rugosa (wrinkled) rose, due to its excellent winter hardiness, disease resistance and very easy maintenance. Natural species are widely hybridized. Wild species have many different varieties. Wild natural species usually bloom once a summer.

old garden roses

The old garden varieties have a delicate beauty and wonderful aroma, not often found among modern hybrid tea varieties. Antique garden roses are an artificially bred group of those that have a wonderful fragrance and good winter hardiness so that the delicate and beautiful tea varieties can grow in northern latitudes, although they are best suited to warm climates.

Old garden roses combine a variety of species that are generally easy to grow, disease resistant and winter hardy. They grow in several grape-sized bushes. Although colors do change with hybridization, this class tends to have white or pastel colored flowers. These antique roses are mainly planted in lawns and home gardens. This class includes Chinese, Tea, Damascus, Bourbon, Moss, etc.

modern garden roses

Any species bred after 1867 is considered Modern. Old garden roses are the forerunners of modern species. This group of roses is very popular. Modern ones are the result of crossing hybrid teas with polyanths (a kind of primrose).

The flowers of modern roses are varied, rich and bright. The most popular are in the class of modern hybrid species such as teas , floribunda and grandiflora. They are adored by florists and gardeners, but require proper care and do not adapt well to cold environments.

Growing roses at home and in the garden

Growing roses requires knowledge of their agricultural practices and specific requirements for growing conditions. Can be grown in any well-drained soil with the right amount of sunlight. Growing roses at home, start with the right choice of the right variety. It is best to take dwarf miniature roses for indoor breeding.

Most varieties are grown by budding on grafted (lower part of the plant) plants, propagation by seeds or cuttings is also welcome.

Clay soil and warm temperatures are always preferred. The flower will grow best when there is a lot of free space nearby that is not planted with other flowers.

Cow dung is the best fertilizer option for growing roses, but other organic fertilizers are also used, especially composts.

Roses usually require pruning, which should be tailored to the intended use of the flowers. All broken and damaged roots on the plant should be cut to 15-20 cm.

Planting roses in the garden

Dig holes at least 15 cm deep. Mix 1 tablespoon of fertilizer into the soil above the drainage material. Cover this mixture with regular soil, reaching the desired level of planting depth. Make a hole in the ground where the bush will later be. Insert the roots of the plant there, straighten the roots and pour water into the soil. Compact the soil 2 or 3 times to completely fill the hole.

Planting a rose in the photo.

As a rule, the plant requires only manual care and some plant nutrition. Already a flowering plant in a beautiful container is also customary to give for the holidays. They bloom longer and after they have faded they always bloom again, thus providing even greater joy from the gift.

What care do garden roses require?

During the entire growing season, garden roses require careful care, following all the rules. The slightest violation can lead to the death of the entire bush. When watering, moisten the soil to a depth of 15-20 cm.

When it comes to top dressing, make sure your flowers are in balanced proportions. Determine exactly what your plant needs and try to include those elements in your fertilizer. Timing is also important for maximizing the positive effects of fertilization. Nutrients are needed most during active growth and flowering. Fertilize roses to increase bloom vigor.

Mulching in the summer will eliminate weeds around the plant. Mulch should be applied 2 or 3 weeks before flowering. Winter mulching with straw, peat or other material is also necessary. This regulates soil temperature and balances freezing and thawing. Spud soil around each plant to a height of about 15 cm after the first frost.

The history of the rose and some interesting facts

The homeland of cultivation is probably Northern Persia, next to the Caspian Sea, or the Persian Gulf. The history of a rose next to a person has millions of years.

Historically, the oldest rose fossils have been found in Colorado, over 35 million years old.

Considered the most sacred flowers in ancient Egypt, they were used as gifts for the goddess Isis. They have also been found in Egyptian tombs, where they were placed in funeral wreaths.

Confucius (551 BC to 479 BC) wrote in his writings that there were many books on roses in the Imperial Chinese Library.

The ancient Sumerians in Mesopotamia (in the Tigris and Euphrates basin), mentioned flowers in their cuneiform (writing system) dating from about 2860 BC.

The English were already growing and developing new varieties in the 15th century, just at that time the English “War of the Roses” was taking place. The victorious war, Henry VII Tudor, created a new kind of Rose of England (Tudor Rose) by crossing other types

Although the black variety of roses does not yet exist, some varieties have been bred so deep red that it is difficult to say that it is not black.

They are universal flowers and are grown all over the world. The Netherlands is the world’s leading exporter. They allocate about 8,000 hectares of land for cultivation and are the world leader in this area. 54% of arable land (about 5000 hectares) is allocated by Ecuador for growing roses! Zambia, a small country, allocates 80% of its cultivated land.

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