Flowers and plants to decorate the gazebo

HomeGarden FlowersFlowers and plants to decorate the gazebo

Nothing will decorate your gazebo like plants planted around the structure, or planted inside it. Pergola flowers can be placed in containers or pots around the perimeter. You can also plant climbing plants for a gazebo along its walls. There are a lot of decoration options, but it is best to use perennial plants that will delight you for more than one year.

It is the plants for the gazebo that make the building unique, give it an elegant look, change it over time and, of course, are the main and indispensable element of design. Some structures in the garden, such as arches, pergolas, gazebos, are multi-purpose. They serve as a support for various plants, decorate the garden and create pleasant and shady places for outdoor recreation. There are many annual and perennial flowering and ornamental crops suitable for vertical gardening. Therefore, before you start looking for and buying seedlings and seeds, you need to find out which annuals and perennials grow well and bloom in your area. It is also important to obtain information about the specific timing of flowering of each of the plants you have chosen.

To decorate arbors and pergolas, you can use not only flowering crops, such as honeysuckle , clematis , climbing roses. You can use perennial climbing plants for the gazebo: for example, grapes, hops, round-leaved wood pliers, etc.

When planting plants, the following rules are followed: tall and climbing plants are planted in the background near the walls of the structure, as they grow, tying the stems and skeletal branches to trellises or other supports. Medium-sized plants are planted after tall ones – in the middle ground, undersized, curb and creeping plants are placed in the foreground, lawn grass can also act as such. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the light-loving and shade tolerance of crops, their compatibility with each other and soil requirements.

Look at the photo: flowers in the gazebo can be planted inside – in vases or boxes of various configurations.

Also, the design of the gazebo with flowers can be done using potted plants in hanging planters and on whatnots.

Flowers and plants are a wonderful decorating material, they need constant care, but the result is worth the effort. Let’s look at a few flowering and ornamental perennials that are most commonly used in vertical gardening.

In order for your building to please the eye with greenery and flowers all season long, perennials are planted along with annuals, such as nasturtiums , ornamental beans, sweet peas and other similar ones. It is also good that every season your gazebo, terrace or arch will look new.

Arbor with flowers: clematis

The first place for decorating light summer buildings is rightfully given to clematis. These are creepers with beautiful large or small flowers of various colors and shades, depending on the variety . With good care, they bloom profusely. The timing and duration of flowering also depend on the plant variety.

Before you decorate the gazebo with flowers, consider the place of planting. Usually clematis is not planted on the north side of the building, they are thermophilic, and near solid walls and fences, since these plants do not tolerate high air temperatures and especially overheating of the soil. Therefore, they should be planted along lattice walls, shading the root system with lower-growing plants.

Creepers are planted at a distance of at least 0.5 m from the lattice and at least 1.5 m from each other. The planting hole is dug with a depth of about 0.6 m. The soil must be fertile and light, i.e. quite loose, breathable. A mixture of humus with garden soil and sand in equal proportions is poured into the planting pit, dolomite flour and superphosphate are added. A creeper seedling is placed on a hill, the roots are straightened and covered with earth to a level just above the root collar, watered abundantly. In general, clematis are moisture-loving, but do not tolerate stagnant water in the soil, so they should not be mulched and, if necessary, drainage should first be laid in the planting hole. Young clematis bushes should be covered for the winter, pruned in the spring. They are propagated by cuttings or layering.

Even a simple gazebo with these flowers looks like a real paradise.

Flowers around the gazebo: honeysuckle

Gardeners have long known honeysuckle honeysuckle and Tatar, but there are many varieties of this plant. Among them there are creepers with a height of more than 5 m, there are very tall shrubs up to 3 m, there are also low ones – up to 1 m.

Honeysuckle does not require special care, many varieties of it are cold-resistant, bloom profusely, look very elegant in autumn because of the bright berries. There are even varieties with edible fruits, but the berries of decorative honeysuckle are inedible. This plant is moisture-loving and photophilous, grows well on loose light fertile soils. Propagated by cuttings, layering or division of the bush.

When planting, they fall asleep in the planting pit, humus mixed with sand and garden soil, add superphosphate and potassium or wood ash, moisten the contents of the pit well and plant the seedling.

Honeysuckle honeysuckle has beautiful leaves, and during flowering, its pink flowers bloom in the evening and spread a strong aroma. Such honeysuckle is suitable for planting near a pergola. You can plant these flowers around the gazebo, preferably on the sunny side. Caring for it is simple: it should be watered periodically, fed with mineral fertilizers in the spring, loosened very carefully, its roots are located close to the soil surface, so it is better to use mulch. Shrub honeysuckle of medium-sized varieties can be used to create hedges.

Curly flowers for the gazebo: climbing roses

You can not ignore the beautiful flowers, climbing roses, which are suitable for vertical gardening of any summer building, will help create a beautiful, “magic” world in your garden.

These climbing flowers for the gazebo must be pruned, this is done in order to achieve a long and abundant flowering, as well as to give the bush a certain shape or to achieve complete coverage of the support.

With good summer care, roses can give rise to shoots up to 2.5-3 m. For single-blooming varieties of climbing roses, 3-5 annual and the same number of biennial shoots are left on the bush.

Climbing roses during flowering are very beautiful, in real climbing or climbing roses the height of the bushes can reach 5 m, the flowers are very small – up to 2.5 cm, double, semi-double or simple, of various colors, but there are a lot of them, the bush is literally strewn with them. Such roses bloom for a long time – up to 30-35 days, they are photophilous and thermophilic. They should be planted on the sunny, south side of the gazebo or support, and covered with spruce branches for the winter. There are modern varieties of climbing roses with larger flowers up to 4 cm in diameter.

Roses are planted in planting pits 50 x 50 cm deep 50 cm at a distance of at least 45 cm from the support, before planting, rotted manure is brought into the pits and the soil is abundantly moistened. Immediately after planting, the roses are cut to 20 cm from the ground. Care of roses consists in rare, but plentiful watering. It is better to mulch the soil under the bushes. During the year, the shoots grow by 1.5-2.5 m, for the winter they are laid on the ground and covered with spruce branches.

Flowers in climbing roses are formed on last year’s shoots, so the overwintered bushes open in the spring, cut off the frozen and propped up shoots, lay out the shoots on the surface of the earth so that new ones grow from the middle of the bush. When they reach a length of about 70 cm, all shoots are lifted and tied to a support. During the season, the bush should be fed 3-4 times with organic fertilizers with the addition of superphosphate or complex mineral fertilizers.

If climbing roses are re- blooming, then their flower buds form within 3 years, therefore, after the fourth year, the main shoots are completely cut out. In re-flowering varieties, it is enough to have 1-3 annual shoots and 3-7 main shoots on which flowers are formed.

Most varieties of climbing roses are well propagated by cuttings. Of course, roses require care and attention, but if you decorate a gazebo, pergola or just a trellis wall with climbing roses, you will bring beauty itself to your garden for many years.

Plants around the gazebo: parthenocissus

For vertical gardening of arbors, terraces, awnings, decorating walls and outbuildings, girlish grapes are well suited. This is a root-climbing liana, it grows very quickly, it can reach a length of 20 m.

The plant is frost-resistant, not demanding on soil and light, not susceptible to diseases and not damaged by pests. It has beautiful dark green glossy foliage, in autumn the leaves become bright crimson in color. The flowers are small, inconspicuous, fruits ripen in autumn: small, dark blue, with a wax coating, collected in brushes, inedible.

For the winter, the plants around the gazebo do not need to be covered, it is also not required to tie them to the support, the plant itself clings well to the uneven surface of the wall or support. It grows very quickly, propagates well by cuttings and layering. The cuttings are not thinner than a pencil, with 4-5 living buds, they are planted obliquely in a wet hole so that two buds are above the ground, and the rest are in the ground.

Planting is best done with fresh cuttings in the spring, but it can also be done in the fall. Layering is even easier: dig a groove 7-9 cm deep in the right direction, put the shoot into it so that there are several buds in the groove, raise the top of the shoot vertically upwards, pin the shoot with a wire pin at the bend. Fill the trench and water it.

The shoot should rise 15-20 cm above the ground, it must be tied to a support so that it maintains an upright position and grows in the required direction. After planting, if the summer is dry, the grapes need to be watered periodically.

Caring for girlish grapes consists in removing excess shoots and in the direction of the remaining ones in the required direction. It should be cut immediately after the bud, so that in the future the bare ends of the stems do not come out of the green mass. The only drawback of the plant is associated with the rapid growth of foliage and with its ability to cling very tightly to any irregularities and the slightest cracks.

Girlish grapes can knock down a support, “tear off” plaster from a wall, under its weight tiles and slate sheets can slide from a gabled roof.

Mastics, with which rolled roofing materials are glued, it is better to use those indicated on the manufacturer’s label.

Climbing perennials for the gazebo: hops

Another cold-resistant, fast-growing, decorative and rather unpretentious plant is common hop. Hop leaves and cones are very beautiful. It grows well in partial shade. In autumn, the entire above-ground part dies off, only the roots hibernate. In the spring, rapid growth of shoots begins, so the plant needs a lot of nutrients and water.

Hops should be fed several times a season, watered frequently, especially if the summer is dry. The best way to propagate hops is by dividing the rhizomes. In the spring, a part of the rhizome is cut off with a sharp shovel without digging up the bush. Cut root cuttings about 15 cm long (with two pairs of buds on each). Cuttings from young roots with a diameter of up to 2 cm take root better.

There is also an annual hop, which is propagated by seeds. When planting hops, one must carefully choose a place and limit the growth of roots with dug iron sheets, pieces of slate, boards or other similar material. In addition, you need to constantly monitor the plant and remove any sprouts that may appear in unwanted places.

Plants for decorating a gazebo: wood pliers

A deciduous liana suitable for vertical gardening is a round-leaved tree pliers.

A fairly frost-resistant and unpretentious plant, it has very beautiful shiny green leaves of a rounded shape, and the wood pliers will be beautiful in autumn, its leaves become yellow-orange in color, and the seed pods, having opened, release bright red seeds on long stalks, which are dazzling against the background in winter. -white snow look just great.

The tree pliers grows rapidly, braiding the support, forming a wide dense crown at the top.

This plant is dioecious, it propagates by green, sensitized or rooted cuttings and seeds, from which seedlings are grown.

Seedlings are planted in pits with a depth and diameter of about 0.5 m at a distance of at least 1 m from each other. This plant needs a strong support, otherwise it will grow like a groundcover. As such, the wood pliers are used for landscaping slopes, embankments and retaining walls. In vertical gardening, they can decorate gazebos, terraces, pergolas, arches, decorate walls, old trees.

The roots of the tree pliers are mulched and for the first 2-3 years they cover the aerial part of the plant with spruce branches or cardboard. During the season, the liana is fed 3 times with complex mineral fertilizers or humus and watered abundantly 3 times if the summer is dry enough.

This liana grows well and develops in partial shade, prefers loose fertile soil, without stagnant moisture. But it should not be planted next to fruit or valuable trees.

By the way, a pergola can also be a support for ordinary garden grapes. In this case, the land is used more rationally. This combination is suitable for small suburban areas.

The considered plants are perennial, they are planted 1 time for several years, getting rid of them if they are not needed is quite difficult, therefore, when choosing such a crop, you need to know as much as possible about them.

There are a lot of annual ornamental plants and flowers . Therefore, it is possible to choose suitable ones for you and experiment with them, especially since they live one season. What didn’t work out or didn’t like this year can be taken into account and corrected next.

If casein glues are used for gluing parts, then the temperature in the room should not be lower than 12 °C. The adhesive solution is applied abundantly on one of the surfaces to be glued, or on both – in a thin layer, so that the wood texture is slightly visible through the adhesive layer.

The consumption of the working adhesive solution per 1 m2 may vary depending on the type of fastening and the dimensions of the fastened parts.

Ampelous flowers near the gazebo

There are plants with long shoots and abundant and long flowering, which are called ampelous. They are used for growing in flowerpots, hanging baskets and planters, in flower boxes.

Such plants are indispensable in the design of the internal and external spaces of summer buildings.

Begonia , verbena , ampelous pelargonium , petunia are the most famous and common, unpretentious and beautiful long-blooming ampelous plants.

There are many ampelous plants with different flowering periods and simply decorative, the choice is huge. The advantage of ampelous plants is that they take up little space and are easy to move. Therefore, such cultures can be used not only to decorate summer buildings, but also for the external design of a residential building, for example, walls, window and door openings, balconies.

On the terrace and near the gazebo, ampelous flowers are indispensable – they can play the role of original centers of attention in the interior.

Just one basket of flowers hung in the gazebo, or a vase installed on the terrace, can completely change the look of the interior space, create an atmosphere of beauty and grace.

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