Features of breeding Aichrizon (tree of love) at home

HomeAll flowers that start with AFeatures of breeding Aichrizon (tree of love) at home

Aichrizon ( Aichryson ) – a miniature tree with a wide spreading crown, many heart-shaped fleshy leaves and abundant flowering. Considered a succulent plant. Belongs to the Tolstyankovye family. For the peculiar shape of the leaves, resembling a heart, this culture is called the “tree of love.” The genus includes about 15 varieties of shrubs, semi-shrubs and trees. Among them there are perennial and annual crops.


Aichrizon is an evergreen succulent plant with strongly branching, soft, fleshy, non-woody stems. At home, it reaches up to 30 cm in height. The root system is branched, lies near the surface of the soil.

The leaves are broadly oval, with a fleecy surface, collected in rosettes. Their color can be bright or dark green. Some species have yellow, red or brown blotches on the surface of the leaves.

Inflorescences are panicles or corymbs. As can be seen in the photo, the flowers of aichrizon are miniature in size, star-shaped, lemon yellow, less often white, pale pink or red:

The bush begins to bloom in the spring months.


Below is a description of the types of aichrizon used for growing at home.

Aichryson domestic or hybrid ( Aichryson x domesticum ). This species is a hybrid obtained by crossing two varieties of this culture: point and sinuous. The height and diameter of the shrub is about 30 cm. The leaves are small, fleshy, heart-shaped, with short white hairs on the surface. The flowers are amber in color, shaped like stars.

Aichryson punctatum ( Aichryson punctatum ). Compact shrub reaching 15 to 35 cm in height. It has straight branched shoots with white fine hairs. The leaves are diamond-shaped, elongated, slightly fleecy, bright green, attached to long petioles. Flowers star-shaped, yellow.

Aichryson tortuous ( Aichryson tortuosum ). It is a shrub about 0.4 m high with a wide crown, the diameter of which can be 30 cm. The leaves are diamond-shaped, pubescent, rich green in color, enclosed in dense leaf rosettes. This species begins to bloom in mid – late spring. The flowers are light yellow.

Aichryson loose (Aichryson laxum) . Spreading tree about 30 cm high, crown width up to 40 cm. The leaves are broadly oval, with a white pile on the surface, attached to short petioles. Inflorescences are long, large, racemose. They contain small star-shaped bright yellow flowers.

Aichryson sedifolium ( Aichryson sedifolium ). Semi-shrub 12 – 30 cm high, with a wide crown up to 20 cm in diameter. It has many branching stems densely covered with diamond-shaped dark green foliage with a sticky coating on the surface. The leaves are dark green, with pink strokes, enclosed in rosettes with a diameter of 5 – 6 cm. Racemes consist of lemon-yellow flowers.

Reproduction by seeds

Even an inexperienced florist can get new copies of the aichrizon love tree, since the reproduction of this culture is always successful, no matter which method is chosen – seed or cuttings.

When propagating aichrizon with the help of seeds, flat containers are taken, filled with a soil mixture consisting of one part of leafy soil and half of coarse sand. Sowing material is deepened by 1 cm.

The container with crops is covered with polyethylene, cleaned in a room with good lighting, but not direct sunlight and with an air temperature of 20 – 23 degrees. The shelter is removed daily to ventilate the crops and eliminate accumulated condensate, the soil is sprayed with a sprayer.

Sprouts with good care will appear on the surface of the substrate in a couple of weeks. The film is removed after their appearance, they continue to carry out care in the form of watering. When the third leaf is formed in young plants, they are transplanted into separate pots with a soil mixture consisting of equal parts of leafy soil, turf and coarse sand.

Weak plants are protected from direct sunlight, creating shading if necessary. Watering is carried out daily in a small amount. When the young aichrizon gets stronger and grows a little, it is transplanted into the ground for succulents, they carry out the usual care, as for adult specimens.


Cuttings are cut in the middle – late spring, choosing healthy shoots from perennial plants. Planting material is cut with a sharp, clean, disinfected knife. The length of the cutting should be 8 – 9 cm. After cutting, the planting material is dried during the day in a warm, dry place.

After this time, they are immersed in a glass with filtered or boiled and cooled to room temperature water. Also, the stalk can be immediately placed in wet sand or soil composition for succulents.

When the roots appear, the plant is transplanted into a pot with a suitable soil composition, which was mentioned above. Regular care is carried out, according to the characteristics of this culture.


The tree of love is one of the most unpretentious in terms of plant growth, but still a few nuances should be taken into account when it is maintained. Regular care of the aichrizon flower at home will save the grower from the problems associated with the development of possible diseases and the invasion of harmful insects.

  • Lighting. The love tree thrives in bright, soft light, or in slight shade. When growing it on a southern windowsill, it is recommended to close the window with curtains at noon so that the sun’s rays do not burn the leaves. In order for the crown to be symmetrical, without skew to the lighted place, the pot is turned daily to the window with the other side.
  • Air temperature. In spring and summer, the tree should be kept at a temperature of 23 – 25 degrees. This culture will benefit from frequent airing of the room. In the warm season, it is recommended to keep the indoor plant aichrizon on the street under a canopy. Fresh air has a beneficial effect on this flower, strengthening its health, giving strength for the formation of foliage and flowering. You can take the plant to the balcony or veranda. In October, the temperature in the room where this crop is located should be lowered to 10 degrees. The tree of love should be kept cool until the onset of spring. During the dormant period, the plant will rest and recover after flowering.
  • Watering. Like other succulents, Aichrizon does not require abundant and frequent watering, as moisture accumulates in its leaves and stems. Excess moisture in the soil leads to the fact that the plant begins to rot. Before starting water procedures, it is important to make sure that the earth is half dry. In autumn and winter, it is necessary to moisten the soil 2 times less often than in normal times.
  • Topdressing. When caring for an indoor flower with aichrizon, it should be borne in mind that it needs top dressing in the spring and summer. Fertilizer is applied from March to October every 2 weeks, using a universal mineral complex for succulents with a low nitrogen content. In winter, fertilization should be stopped.
  • Pruning. To obtain a neat crown shape, periodic pruning is necessary. First of all, poorly developed stems are cut. For the splendor of the bush, pinch the tops of young shoots. In the spring, the elongated stems are shortened.
  • Transfer. There is no need for frequent transplants of this plant, since its root system develops slowly. Usually, this culture is transplanted in three cases: after buying it in a store, after the roots completely braid the earthen ball and no longer fit in the same container, with a long absence of flowering, if a too large pot was previously selected.

In the process of transplanting, a layer of drainage is laid on the bottom of the new pot, a plant with a preserved earthen clod is placed on top. Fresh earth is poured to the desired level of capacity, rammed, cleaned in a semi-shaded place for 5 to 7 days to adapt the plant. On the 5th day after transplantation, watering is carried out, the flower is placed on the windowsill.

Breeding problems

Knowing how to care for aichrizon and taking into account its features, the grower will grow a strong healthy tree, with a stable immunity to various diseases. In some cases, the bush weakens, as a result of which root rot occurs, harmful insects appear.

Sometimes the grower observes the fall of the leaves of the aichrizon. There can be several reasons for leaf fall:

  1. After the flowering period, the plant is weakened. It needs strength to recover, while most leaves do not receive valuable substances. In this case, the process of falling leaves is natural. After a while, the flower will recover and form new foliage.
  2. The absence of a dormant period, in which aichrizon should be in a cool place, without watering and fertilizing. If the grower does not provide the green pet with the necessary conditions for rest and recuperation, he will shed the foliage.
  3. Drying out of the earth caused by poor watering.
  4. Prolonged exposure of the plant to direct sunlight.

In addition to the problems described above, the root system and some of its parts can rot in the tree of love. If this happens, you will need to cut off healthy sections of the trunk and root them. The rest of the plant will have to be destroyed.

High air temperatures and its increased dryness cause the appearance of pests such as scale insects and spider mites. If they are found, it will be necessary to treat the bush with insecticides.

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