Different pots are needed, all sorts of pots are important

HomeFlorist inventoryDifferent pots are needed, all sorts of pots are important

Terracotta clay pots have a lot of positive properties. They breathe and look aesthetically pleasing in their simplicity, emphasizing the beauty of what grows in them. But, alas, they not only quickly dry themselves, but also dry up an earthen lump. In addition, they are quite weighty.

Another opinion is that it is better to grow flowers in plastic at home.

The color of plastic flowerpots is most often neutral brown or elegant white, match, again, plastic windows. The earth ball in them does not dry out so quickly, and besides, they weigh practically nothing, even large ones, they are very maneuverable, and in summer it is easy to quickly move plants from the sun to the shade. But there is one “but”: even though plastic flowerpots have large drainage holes, such pots still do not breathe, and there is a danger of acidification of the soil during overflow.

The third option is generally for extreme aesthetes: glazed ceramic pots. They are many times more decorative than the plant living in them, so you don’t even know which one to look at. Their drainage hole is traditionally only one and very small, and the walls are generously glazed not only from the outside, but also from the inside, which does not allow the roots of the plant to breathe at all. In general, ruining plants in glazed pots is a waste of time. But they are beautiful, of course, for any interior you can pick up, for any theme.

And the ability to leave the plant unattended for the duration of a short departure largely depends on the pot. And it’s not just the evaporation of moisture! Glory to new technologies – simple convenience comes into fashion – a capillary mat.

This is such a non-woven material that spreads into a pan (or tray) and is filled with water. Pots are placed on top of the mat, and in this case, plastic ones are just needed, with large drainage and air openings. With their weight, they press on the mat, and a sufficient amount of moisture is released from it. I will tell you, it is very important for an army of small ones that are so dreary to water your relatives (or friends) during your vacation at sea! From experience: flower growers will equally rarely and too much water these griefs, both large pots and small ones (although the latter may not notice at all and dry up). In general, take note: a great way to save plants from the “crazy hands” of zealous households!

Another folk remedy. The purchased soil needs to be “finished” because mold and midges start up perfectly in it. From the summer heat and excessive moisture, the fungal “universal evil” also wakes up in it. There is an easy way to kill two birds with one stone: clay. The addition of clay makes the soil a little heavier and dries out, after which there is no joy in it either for midges to frolic or for fungus to develop. Where to get clay? Perhaps the easiest way is in the nearest pharmacy – clean, cheap and cheerful. There are various types of it. The difference is only in color and that the yellow clay is more grainy, while the rest is a fine powder. Of course, you don’t need to add a lot of clay, otherwise the soil will turn out to be too heavy, and we need light loam. It is better to add clay 20% of the total soil volume.

There are many more interesting tips on the Dacha for future use website.

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