Control measures for spider mites on domestic roses

HomeAbout rosesControl measures for spider mites on domestic roses

The spider mite settles on roses and other plants, causing them great harm. The leaves of plants affected by these insects lose their ability to photosynthesis, and the appearance of flowers wrapped in cobwebs is not aesthetic. Before you fight the spider mite, read the description of the insect and the recommendations of experienced gardeners who offer their own ways to get rid of this pest.

The spider mite is a very small insect, so it is very difficult to detect it on a plant. The size of an individual reaches only 2 mm, the largest of them are females. On the leaves, they look like a moving black dot. The spider mite has an oval body and eight legs, which are dotted with numerous bristles.

The insect lives in a colony, the number of which can be more than a hundred individuals. Most often, the pest can be found on the underside of the leaves of the plant, where a thick cobweb is formed, under which small insects run.

The spider mite makes its home on the leaves of roses and feeds on their juice. The pest affects not only leaves, but also stems, as well as rosebuds.

Spider mites on indoor roses usually start if the flowers are in a dry, hot room. It is very important to create optimal climatic conditions for roses.

Although this insect is very small, the harm from it is great. Due to the size of the pest, it is difficult to notice it on the bush until the web appears and the leaves begin to turn yellow. The initial measure to control spider mites on roses is to check the underside of the leaves for spider webs. True, it is important to make sure that this is a spider mite, and not its enemy – a spider that catches this pest.

If the number of spider mites is small, the fight against it can begin with washing the leaves with water or acaricides. Chemical preparations against spider mites are recommended only in cases where there is an outbreak of its numbers.

Soap or insecticidal solutions, which are recommended to be used in cool weather, help well against spider mites on domestic roses.

Prevention of the appearance of spider mites on indoor roses

When the time of active growth begins in newly planted seedlings and bushes, regular watering is recommended, as this increases the protection of the plant from spider mite damage. It is also recommended to treat the bushes with soapy water – this protects the leaves not only from this pest, but also from others. The use of broad-spectrum drugs, on the contrary, should be avoided, since in this way it is possible to destroy insects that are natural enemies of the spider mite, as a result of which the invasion of this pest can only intensify. To control the number of spider mites, it is better to abandon the frequent use of drugs that kill the enemies of this insect.

To protect roses from spider mites, use home remedies – herbal infusions. For their preparation, henbane, dandelion, chamomile, alder, garlic, horseradish, horse sorrel are suitable. Such products are more environmentally friendly and safer.

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