

Diseases and pests of violets: photo and description

Diseases and pests of violets are dangerous, first of all, for those varieties that were created as a result of breeding. They fight them...

Fantasy violet varieties

Violet was previously considered one of the favorite plants of flower growers. In the modern world, the passion for breeding and growing new varieties...

How to choose and buy violets

Buying violets is a responsible business, because what plant you buy will determine how it will bloom in your apartment. Before choosing violets...

Indoor violets: photos, types and varieties

Indoor violets are one of the most favorite indoor flowers for many growers. Due to the variety of colors and sufficient ease of care,...

Marsh violet and fragrant violet in your garden

One of the varieties of violets is the marsh violet. This is a herbaceous perennial plant. Marsh violet is a perennial. Plant height from...

New varieties of house violet

Two-color varieties of violets are very popular among gardeners and lovers of violets. This type of Saintpaulia is very beautiful and refined. The color...

Popular varieties of violets

To date, breeders have more than twenty thousand different varieties of domestic violets at their disposal. Among them there are both varieties of violets...

Pots for violets (Saintpaulia) – photo and review of species

Professional flower growers and amateurs have a general rule for selecting pots for growing violets, taking into account the specifics of the culture: the...

Romantic legends about violet

There are many varieties of this flower. Violets grow both in a sunny meadow and in the shade. Moreover, in a shaded place, flowering...

Saintpaulia care: watering the uzambar violet

Wasps with a bizarre flower shape and chimeras with a unique color of the inflorescence - no matter what types of Uzambara violets the...

Saintpaulias care

It is hardly possible to find a person who would be indifferent to Saintpaulias, which delight with their flowering for a long time even...

Types and varieties of garden violets

Violets are not only indoor plants. There are many types of garden violets that can be grown in cottages and garden plots in the...

Uzumbar violet (Saintpaulia violet-flowered)

Usambara violets are the most common indoor flowers around the world. The number of their varieties can surprise even an experienced grower. However, not...

Violet: reproduction, planting and care

Plant type: perennial or annual, herbaceous. Homeland: These unusual flowers have been found all over the world, but many scientists are inclined to believe...

Violets in the apartment and in the garden

The use of violets for landscaping a room or garden is the most common way to use these plants. However, few people know that...

Violets pansies

In nature, there are more than 400 species of violets on earth. In culture, several species and their hybrids are common. The cultivation of violets...

Wild violets in nature

Wild violets differ from indoor and garden violets in a variety of shapes, sizes, colors of flowers and leaves. Growing in the wild, wild-growing...
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Wednesday, November 8, 2023
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