HomeFlorist inventory

Florist inventory

Different pots are needed, all sorts of pots are important

Terracotta clay pots have a lot of positive properties. They breathe and look aesthetically pleasing in their simplicity, emphasizing the beauty of what grows...

DIY flower pots

It is not necessary to buy ready-made planters in the store. You can surprise your household by making it yourself from items available in...

DIY flower pots: from material selection to decoration

Unfortunately, among the huge range of flower pots on the market today, it is not always possible to find exactly the one that would...

Ficus pot

Ficus refers to those types of plants for which it practically does not matter what material the pot will be made of. The main...

Hanging planter

To create a hanging flower pot with your own hands, first of all, you need a rope. It can be a clothesline, thick knitting...

How to choose and buy a lawn mower

We all know how hard it is to have your own dacha, because it constantly requires attention, which consists in digging up the land,...

Orchid pots

In recent years, beautiful and exotic orchids , which everyone heard a lot about 10-15 years ago, but almost no one saw, have become...

Pots for hydroponics

Hydroponics is a way to grow plants without using soil. The use of this method allows the vegetative organs to receive all the necessary...

Pots for violets (Saintpaulia) – photo and review of species

Professional flower growers and amateurs have a general rule for selecting pots for growing violets, taking into account the specifics of the culture: the...

Refrigerators for flowers – beauty must “live” for a long time

Growing flowers for aesthetic satisfaction and visual beauty is one thing, but growing them for sale is quite another. In this case, you need...

seedling pots

To date, pots for seedlings are presented in a very wide range, allowing you to choose the right vessel for any type of plant....

Types of flower pots: clay, plastic and their sizes

Plants in pots are not only a wonderful design element that complements any interior, they are also very healthy, as they help fight toxic...

Vessels for flowers

On sale are various vessels for flowers that are grown in rooms and taken out into the open. It can be plastic and ceramic...
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Wednesday, November 8, 2023
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